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C's Cafe | The Fanciest Cafe With A Seaview

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Last weekend, we went to visit a beach in Medellin, Cebu, a 4 hour drive from our City. With a good music playlist and the countryside view, time can fly by so fast and before we know it, we're already in our destination.
During one of our bathroom breaks, we came across this fancy cafe in Compostela named the C's Cafe, right beside a gasoline station. As i've learned, this is the last bathroom break we could have before reaching Medellin so most of us went out of the car and used the restroom.
It's my first time visiting a cafe with such a calming view of the sea. Despite the sunny weather, the cafe was very cooling due to their air conditioner. Diners can opt to have their seats outside too.
The unique Kubo House (a native interior design in the Philippines for houses made of bamboo and other local materials) and synthetic vines hanging in the ceiling adds a touch of Philippine culture within the place.
A combination of the sea, forest, and native house, is the theme of this cafe. The ambiance was pretty cozy too.
This cafe is also a semi convenient store as they sell some grocery items like chips, snacks, drinks, and bathroom must-haves just incase people forgot to bring their own in the trip.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to stay longer in this cafe as we have a destination to go to. After everyone finished their restroom breaks, we hopped into the vehicle and continue our land trip.

As I looked at my photo gallery of our trip, i remembered this cafe and one thing struck in my head, that I will definitely visit this place again, soon.

That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one!

Sending some love and light

Love, Jane