I Missed The Bus Stop and Ended Up Crossing Along The Reservoir


25th February 2024

"In the grand journey of life, missing a bus stop is a small detour that adds an unexpected twist to the adventure. "


Have you been on a ride and missed the right bus stop? I decided to go on a solo excursion one lovely Sunday since I was bored and my feet were itching to get back out on the trails. This trip involved crossing the sea, riding on a bus, then taking the trail. I always enjoy going to places away from cities.

I traveled by bus after crossing the sea. But, as it was my first visit to this particular location, I was not familiar with the route or the appearance of the bus stop. Although I know the name of the place, I got confused and ended up stopping at the next stop, rather than the right stop. In the end, I retraced my steps a few meters and crossed the road along the reservoir.


This was part of my #LantauIslandExploration'24. I traveled to Shek Pik where the starting point of the trail was located. There were two options to get to the trail, but I chose this one. I had to cross the road beside the reservoir because I had ridden past the correct bus stop. At first, I was a little concerned since it was risky to stroll along the small sidewalk by the reservoir while large buses and other cars drove past the main road.

But the picturesque views drew my attention, so it was nice to stroll back and take in the splendor of the surroundings. The peak I wanted to climb, meantime, was on the left and appeared to be calling to me from a distance.


Meanwhile, on the right is Hong Kong prison. I was certain about it since my boss told me the last time we passed by this road during our road trip back in 2021. I never imagined that I would be returning here by myself. I could hear basketball players in the distance, who might be inmates or jail staff. They appeared to be enjoying their weekend.



Looking at the stretching road makes me feel that there are more exciting things ahead, just like what Ifarmgirl said. It is true, because that day, although I was a little bit late finding the right trail, I was able to conquer the most dangerous ridges in Hong Kong. I still need more time to write about it. Probably will be shared next month.

That's all for now, happy weekend!

Thanks for your time.




Jane is a Filipina wanderer in a foreign land who finds comfort in nature and freedom in writing. She loves watching raw picturesque landscapes, listening to the symphony of nature, breathing in drops of sunshine, walking through scenic trails and cityscapes, tasting new culinary flavors, capturing pretty little things, venturing into hidden gems, and dancing with the flow of life.

Her new experiences, adventures, challenges, lessons, small successes, and joys are colorful paints that fill up her canvas of life. She hopes to see it beautifully painted while she can.

Join her on her quest for self-discovery and wanderlust. If you like her content, don't hesitate to upvote, drop a comment, reblog, and follow for more wonderful adventures.


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All photos are mine.

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