[WE] Cheating and Confessing II

Me doing the right thing even though it seem not to be easy.

Confessing and relieving yourself of whatever guilt is the very best.

8 have been with my girl for at least a year and a few months now the guilt of keeping this away from her has eaten me up to a point that I can't look her in the face and tell her how much I love her. The sentence "I Love you" no longer has an effect on me again as whenever I say these words I feel like a stray bullet just hit my head.

This is regarding the question asked in the weekend challenge.

Cheat and Confessions II


The straight answer is YES I will confess to the lady who has loved me unconditionally. Thinking of hiding this from her will rather cause more harm than good when she finds out herself so did preferably tell her myself and awaits whatever outcome it will bring. Which leads to the next question which is how choice will go through to move forward. This I can not really tell as the heart of every human is unpredictable, what will she do? I don't know but from my end I will be at peace with myself.

But my belief is that it will yield a positive result even though it is easier said than done but I know it will not be easy.

But telling her myself is a way of building my trust with her even if at some point her heart will be broken but it is better that way than the other way.

Keeping such in the dark keeps you also in the dark but bringing it to light makes you as free as the bird in the sky.


Confess and wait for the outcome, don't allow them to find out for themselves.

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