Into the sun. Design a Weekend Challenge

An initiative by @galenkp

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I’ve designed an ideal day, a fantasy I’ve always wanted to fulfill

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Into the Sun

A slick of sunshine beams a sliver of gold across the pitch horizon. It’s really early; crisp gusts tingle my skin, the breeze is fresh and perfumed by the anticipation of adventure. A dalliance to slam the door on reality, even if it’s a brief affair.

The day shivers into view with an invigorating chill. The outline of tall trees tangle with the rising sun and the view is blissful. The setting floods into color as the sun rises, but it’s still shy in the morning sky.

Still new, the light sparkles over the ribbon of bright red and white fabric snaking from the man-sized square wicker basket and it’s intriguing display of shiny steel framework jutting like a portentous sail over its rim. My heart skips a thousand beats and I take my partner's hand and quicken my pace; sublime fun awaits, like a lyric hanging sweet and tantalizing on the wind.

Suddenly, the gay, bright balloon is at our feet and I feel so tiny; I could easily get lost in its voluminous billowing folds. Our guide steps up to greet us, and we’re bubbling; enthusiasm spilling and tripping ahead of us, so buoyant that it makes him break into a delightful grin. We’re so ready, we smile and laugh and ask a mountain of silly questions, which he answers affably - quite obviously, information is on the tip of his tongue, on easy repeat.

We clamber into the basket and spy the glamorous picnic basket with its bright red and white checkered cloth cover. Oh, my, the elegance of the idea lights me up; I’m glowing and the flight is yet to begin.

An orange-red flame springs to life in a sonic blast; we’re quiet and awestruck by its incredible display of power as it fuels the air to inflate the balloon. We’re striped red and white under the balloon's semi-transparent glow, and the basket tilts and steadies, rising with a slightly rocking motion into the blue. And, yes, the crystal sky is beautifully blue, morning transformed into a brilliant day while we were learning how to fly.

We’re up, up and away (yes, yes I know, but I can’t unhear it now). Exhilaration blushes my cheeks to a flush as I watch the earth skitter in mottled shapes of brown and green below us. I thrill as I see the same wonder animate my partner’s face, it’s so good for him this fantasy escape. It’s so good for me, for us.

Fluffy white clouds scud across the blue; a soft cottony dream, close enough to touch. We’ve launched off Cape Point and the ocean rushes to meet us, an exquisite, rolling mass of white tipped foam, flowing out to a calm turquoise glitter of sparkling diamonds where the light catches the water. I hear my partner catch his breath and it’s the only possible response. Magnificence laid out below and we feast greedily, filling up our senses with radiant magic.

We’re flying
Over the azure sea
into the light
away from our troubles
away from our blues
we’re feathers
we’re birds
we’re hydrogen fired
and free
we’ll never be the same
dreariness lost
we’ve been illuminated
our curiosity fulfilled.

The taste of salt sprinkles across our tongues, dancing a wistful tune of its own mystery as we fly out and float above the water. It’s amazing to see the tumultuous spray as the Atlantic crashes into the Indian Ocean beneath us. So much force and energy; I feel suspended in space, understanding, perhaps, on a subliminal level, the grand mastery of the gods.

Weightless, we journey back to the peaks, steep cliffs zooming in to meet us with ominously sharp edges. It's exciting, the hint of danger on the breeze, and I feel my partner’s hand edge over mine - it’s lovely.

Gently, our guide releases the hydrogen pressure and we float in to land in a fynbos (South African wild flowers) field of exquisite wild flowers. we alight, easily - I thought it might be awkward, but it’s not. We wave our guide off and watch as he steers, expertly out over the ocean, once more.

We stand for a moment drinking in the incredible setting, then sit down on our checkered tablecloth to picnic on wild mushrooms, champagne and the exotic uniqueness of the vista saturating our view.

Obviously, someone collects us after the feast. Haha ❤️💕❤️💕🌹🌹


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