Hello, good afternoon everyone,I hope you had a great Monday.

This is my entry post for this weekend engagement organized by @galenkp


This is actually my first time to participate in this year's contest and I'm very much excited for the topics i saw there.
Like i would have loved to write something about all the post but right now I can only choose one which one really giving me hard time to choose.

           Would you prefer to have someone read your secret diary,go through the photos on your phoneor check your computer's browser history? Explain your choice in 300 words and tell us what they will find if you dare them.

Firstly,I will let the person read my secret diary.
And it will not just be any random person.

Anyways, to start with,I would prefer someone to respect my privacy and not read it without my consent. A diary is a personal space where one can express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences without fear of judgment. It is a safe place where one can be themselves and let out their innermost feelings. Therefore, it would be a breach of trust and invasion of privacy if someone read my diary without my permission..... While I may share some of my thoughts and experiences with others, there are some things that I would like to keep to myself. It's not that I have something to hide, but rather, it's about respecting my own boundaries and space.

If someone were to read my diary, they would find a collection of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They would find my joys, fears, dreams, and struggles. They would find the moments that made me smile,y the events that made me cry, and the people who touched my life. They would find my raw, unfiltered emotions and my reflections on life.

So,in this case,only my best friend can read my secret diary and it must be a male gender.
Seriously,I can't let any female gender read my secret diary again.

Let me tell a little story about why I can't trust girls with my secret diary again;
I remember when I was in secondary School,I had a female best friend,we were damn close that she know both my told secrets and my written down secrets,she was the only person in the whole hostel that knew where I usually hide my diary.

One day,we both had a little misunderstanding and this girl disgraced me,and leaked all my secret,it literally looked like she stored my diary in her brain,she said everything and I was shocked and she lost that trust.
I was so embarrassed,I was ashamed and everyone totally saw me as a bad person.

But it still didn't change the fact that I shouldn't have a diary. And right now I have a male best friend who I can boost of we usually and frequently have our misunderstanding and differences, but he has never split out a word.
So I will give him that freedom to read my secret diary.

                        WHAT WILL HE FINDS OUT IF HE              READS MY SECRET DIARY.

AS I said earlier, diary consist of a lot of things.
So he will definitely see my;

  • first kiss

  • my first lover

  • my rivals

  • downfalls

  • my tears

  • my joy

  • my wishes

  • my love life

  • my families

  • my failures
    Infact he will virtually see everything about me there.

    Yes,it my choice to let him read it because my life is already a book, everyone is reading and watching me.
    So I choose to put it down in my secret Diary.

Thank you for bringing this topic.
I really love it.
Do have a lovely week.

I'm @ itohowo

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