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Who would it be? My panel-of-life-adviser (WE92)

I am obsessed with him. Right from the time he changed my life, I have stuck to him as though he was a lover or a god. I know I have lived my life upwards around the philosophies that he preached. Why?. I checked, everything he said is the truth. And I couldn't argue with any one of them.
I looked around, humans are everything he said we were and more. And to coexist in peace without stepping on egos, I needed him. I didn't realize I did until I met him in the pages of his books. He was there. Waiting to be discovered and when I did, I got addicted. So, I moved on to more of his books and then kept repeating the ones I already read.

Who I'm I talking about? I am answering question 5 for this weekend's contest by @galenkp.

If you could choose any person on the planet to be on your panel-of-life-advisers who would it be and why them in particular?

I would choose Robert Greene because he seems to have figured out the answers to almost all of life's questions. My questions. I don't know if you have such questions too. He moves the boundaries around life as a whole, in love, relationship, romance, war, talents, perfection, mastery, etc. He has the answers. It's written on the pages of all his books.

If you are obsessed as I am, you'll discover that each book talks about the same things but differently. In an angle that answers your questions and leaves you with answers. And yes, leave you wanting more too. I have no idea how long it took him to decipher these things, but he saved a lady's life.
He saved me from making blunders and asking me, "why me"?. I learned how to work with other people without raising ill feelings among us. I learned what I have to do to achieve my dreams. I learned how to make love work out for me. I learned how not to get stuck in one identity, how to progress and detach from the past, so I can create a different future for myself. I learned it from Robert Greene.

I don't know if you understand, but, I'll break it down for you. The bulk of things you think are not going your way is because you are not doing things right. If you feel your superior is working against you, he probably is. And it's not his fault but yours. You might be making him feel insecure even in his high mountain. To get back on his good side, you need to take a step out of yourself and try to learn about your superior better. Then, make him shine brighter than others, make him feel good about his position, and you wouldn't be having fears that he is working against you anymore.
Also, if you feel your friends or colleagues are envious of you, therefore, they are planning your downfall, then, it's your fault. Are there things in your work zone that you have sworn not to do and it has the tendency to hurt your ego? See, it's your fault. You do not have to join them to drink the beer, but, you can show that you care about their beer party by contributing your quota, and watching their friendliness return.

Do you think your environment is against you? It's probably is. And it's your fault again. For you haven't learned the inside-out of your surroundings. You haven't allowed yourself to absorb the inner workings of the place you live or expect to do business. You need to build connections with those who are there, and probably act as mayors in that zone. Let them be the ones to introduce you to other mayors and your rankings improve. You can comfortably do business there and strive because you have the support of everyone.
Are you thinking you suck at getting a lover and keeping one? You probably are. You keep getting shit out of all your relationship because every time you get into one, you're focused on yourself instead of your lover. We all have that narcissist trait in us, a little if you want to be told. And we crave that love, attention, and care too. Therefore, If this is what you want out of your relationship, then, you should learn to give it out first. Do unto others what you want to be done to you, isn't it? It applies to relationships too. You have to learn to get into your lover's spirit, play by their rules, love what they love, and get them to become dependent on you for love, care, and attention. And watch them return the favor.

Do you feel stuck in life? You can't seem to get ahead? does everyone seem to be moving at a speed you cannot fathom? Well, maybe, you are. And it's your fault. You haven't learned to leave the past in the past. You haven't learned to move like fluids, not letting anything stand in your way of creating new personas. You haven't. You are still stuck with, "I was once this or that", "Those were the days", "I used to have this or that". Why can't you have more or new things now? Your fault. Leave what you used to have, and concentrate on building new things. Never get stuck in who you were in the past, the world doesn't have the patience to wait upon a bland person. They constantly need to be fed with new and attractive feeds... Give that to them.

Wait, are you one of those who want the quick fix? Damn you. You will be lost, completely in the crowds. Quick fix works, yeah, but, they don't last long. You have to go through an apprenticeship phase in your life, learn, evolve, and metamorphose. It's the only way, your inventions, or discoveries can last. Mastery alone will keep you at the top of your game, not quick fixes. Therefore, you are not allowed to shudder the process to mastery away. Everything in life is about the process, you go from step one to two and then to three, and finally to ten.

There are more. And Robert Greene taught me. I have practiced them. And I am still practicing them. And I would want him to be on the panel-of-life-advisers for me.

Hey, join the contest, it will be fun, I promise, but, you have a few hours left, so, hurry.