I'm selfish and entitled [Week 132]


The word selfish is opposite of self-sacrificing and titled is what you see first before any other thing.

In this weekend discussion, i have choosed to be selfish and titled. @galenkp, i want to appreciate you for always helping us to bring out the best in us.

Am selfish and titled, Why?

I am self centered, me first in everything, i think of myself first before anyone else. Who is that that is better than me, he has not been born yet. My dressing is the best, my decision is the best. No one can tell me what to do or go against my decision.

If we are out to eat, i will eat the best, we will only go to the restaurant of my choice because I know better than you all. Sometimes i feel like i should be the one to tell them what to eat because I know what is good for them. And i must be served first before anyone else. I deserve better than them. If i am not served first there will be no peace.

Rules does not have effect on me, and i will not allow anyone to force rules on me. I do what I want to do and i don't care what will happen. Anyone around me should know that I deserve all their respct. I am not cheap article like them. Anyone who fail to recognize that am there will feel it hot. If you are privileged to see me in your boutique to buy clothes, you should give me special attention. Until am done, you dare not give anyone else attention, that is me.

You should know that my opinion is better than your own so do not think i will take your own instead we argue throughout the day. How dare you touch my car with dirty hand. I don't walk with low class. I must let you know that you are not my class, you should obey me always and do what I ask you to do. That is the only thing that will bring you close to me.

I am better than you and you should get that into your head. You must serve me first for peace to rain. You should acknowledge my preference all the time. You should mind your business where i am. Do not try to correct me in anyway.

why I,m I selfish and titled

I use to be a very humble person who respect every one both young and old. I love sharing what i have with others and accommodate everyone. I use to think about others first, i had their interest at heart. I hate hurting others. Thinking good about others was priority to me.

But what i get in return was always bad. Sometimes i suffered for sin i did not commit. Imagine me trying to help someone on the road who failed and fainted. I was accused in a way that, I don't know how to come out if it. Thank God he regained consciousness in the hospital and confirmed that I was not the cuase. Tell me how I will help another person. I was disrespected in so many ways even when I thought I will be appreciated so because off this, i decided to be selfish and titled.

Can I balance it.

I have told you how selfish and titled i am and why i decided to be selfish. I was not like that before but the world have pushed me to one. I know is not a good lifestyle and sometimes after treating people that way I feel bad but do not want to go back the way I use to be. I will love to get your humble suggestions on how I can balance it. 😀 I will be happy to read more of your comment.

if you were like me before on being selfish and titled, tell me how you overcame it. I will be happy to know it. You know @galenkp love it funny, make it more fun and real.


Selfish and titled is far from my real attitude. I am not selfish at all. I made this post not as a selfish and titled person but show how the behave and do things

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