My Crush, My First Love [WEEK 137]



She was only 17 and I was 19 when we met each other. She was one of the dancers on the local television where I worked and although we rarely coincided in recording time on the show in which we both worked as talent, we began to share very little but as friends, at first.

She was in a relationship with a guy who also worked with us and was a good friend of my brother (he recommended me for that job). I always knew that they were a couple but since we only knew each other as friends, I had no intention of starting a crush or a relationship with her, other than just being work friends.

After she ended their relationship and it was pretty bad for as long as we continued to work together. During that time, we grew closer as friends but neither of us had any intention of being anything more than that, just friends. Until one day I began to see her differently, feel differently when I was with her or around her and then I began to feel a bit of a crush for her.

What attracted me the most about her was the honest and vulnerable way she was with me, even though we were friends. How she allowed me to meet her as friends first, to know part of her family and her history with them, then as she little by little told me about her past and some of the things she had experienced since she was a little girl. That level of confidence I think drew me even more to her at the time.

Apparently, it was a crush that everyone noticed, since I seemed to be very obvious, even though she didn't notice at first. After feeling this way about her for a while, one night, during an event we attended as part of our job, I decided to tell her how I felt and we began to interact with each other more and more.

We started a relationship shortly after that day and everything was going well. We decided to keep the relationship low-key because I didn't want it to turn into drama (which it never did), but trying to be low-key for so long instead of fueling what we knew we felt for each other, it ended up cooling off and distancing us.

We ended the relationship just 5 months into it and it was quite strange for me to experience something so brief but felt so long lasting. There is much more to the story but for the sake of the post, I'll leave the story until here. That was my first crush and the only one that has turned into a relationship so far.


Happy Weekend ya'll!



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