How to be hangover pro : Chill Vibes Only

Hangover Cures & Remedies

We're going to learn all about hangover cures, hangover remedies and everything you need to know to start feeling better.

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Now let's begin.

Okay, so first of all. What causes a hangover?

We all know if you're going to get a hangover it's usually due to drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, what is alcohol or the chemical compound is ethanol.

Excessive alcohol consumption causes a hangover and it varies from person to person as in how much they have to drink to have a hangover and also their hangover symptoms it's very variable from person to person. So, never believe someone who also says to you

“oh i never get hangovers or anything like that”

because they are playing and simply lying because everyone gets hangover.

Now the process as to which why we get hangovers, it's slightly debatable; there's no real real scientific evidence behind each one of these ideas. They're all sort of ideas at the moment but we'll go through them for some of you who are interested in knowing the causes.

The Science Behind Hangover

Reason number one is that alcohol suppresses a hormone called vasopressin and when we suppress vasopressin basically alcohol works as a diuretic .

Diuretic is a fancy word for something that makes you we more so by weighing more. we're going to become more dehydrated and that dehydration element is what we're proposing is causing those hangover symptoms such as headache and feeling really unwell and rough.

Moving on to reason number two

Reason number two is that your body converts the ethanol the alcohol into a compound known as acetaldehyde.

Acetaldehyde is toxic so it's going to make you feel unwell it's going to make you feel nauseous, and it's going to give you a bit of a headache it does take time for this process to happen, which is one of the reasons why they think this is the cause because you usually get a hangover symptom the next day.

So, it takes a bit of time for the body to transfer everything into the acetaldehyde.


Reason number that your body is using loads of energy, loads of vitamins loads, and minerals and loads of sugar to get rid of this alcohol

-which results in the next morning having low sugar known as hypoglycaemia, which again results in those common symptoms that we see in a hangover.

The science behind what's causing the hangover, we can actually look at the different things that we can do that are potentially going to help with the hangover symptoms.

If you've got any of your own that you've been doing in the family for a long time please do leave a comment below because i would love to read it.

Cure and Remedy for hangover

The first thing we're going to discuss is fluid intake. Okay, fluid intake is probably one of the most important things because remember back to the causes alcohol stops vasopressin and when we stop vasopressin we're going to get this diuretic effect where we're weaning a lot more and losing loads of fluid which is going to cause that dehydration and all those problems.

So the question is how do we rehydrate ourselves ?

Tip number one if you woke up with a hangover right now the first thing you need to start doing is drinking water.

Start drinking water, small sips little and often. Remember, some people when they've got hangover symptoms, they're feeling nauseous, they might be vomiting so if you're having massive amount of water it might just make you warm it all up and then you're gonna get more dehydrated.

Keep getting that water in this is gonna make a big difference right from the start.

Moving on to tip number two in terms of rehydration.

So, the morning after it's good idea to drink a bit of caffeine with a bit of sugar in it. So, if you like coffee for example, make yourself a cup of coffee, put some sugar in it. Remember, the cause of the hangover that we spoke about one of it was hypoglycaemia.

By having a bit of caffeine in there,and having a bit of sugar in there it's going to help boost those sugar levels and start making us feel a bit better about ourselves, start feeling a bit healthier, stop feeling so terrible.

Tip number three is all about having drinks in between your alcoholic drinks.

If you are going to be drinking a little bit, make sure that you are splitting the drink. So, you're not just having alcohol after hourglass or alcohol. you need to be having alcohol if you're gonna have that followed by water soft drinks anything like that to keep you hydrated and to also keep those sugar levels a little higher and stop them from dropping down.

Tip number four is if you have come back home and you've had a few drinks, please don't forget to get yourself a good glass of water or whatever. Put it next to your bedside so you can have a few sips, during the night if you wake up or especially the next day it's just a lot easier for you to get hydrated quicker and easier.

Final Thought

So it looks like we've come to the end . I really hope that you have found this information helpful and you've become a bit of a hangover pro. Please remember drinking is not good for your health. It causes so many different cancers, it causes heart disease,it causes liver disease and it causes all these mental health problems as well. So please remember if it was a one-off then i really hope this article has helped you but if you're finding that it's happening on constantly you need to seek medical attention for it and get some help.


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