Ticking My Bucketlist : Traveled To Leyte For The First Time


Since the start of the year, I've been excitedly ticking items off my bucket list. As some of you may know, I kicked off the year with a series of travels, exploring new destinations and discovering new experiences. I'm now thrilled to share that I've just crossed off another item from my bucket list - a visit to the stunning island of Leyte in the Philippines.

I don't know if it is just me or if everyone else is as well, but as I grow older, I put value and importance on traveling more and enjoying life more often because I am not getting any younger. Despite the constraints of my budget and time, I make it a priority to travel every now and then. Exploring new places and immersing myself in different cultures is at the top of my bucket list. Traveling allows me to enjoy life to the fullest and appreciate all that it has to offer.

I live in Cebu City and recently traveled to Leyte via a ferry, which took around six hours. Although I have visited other islands like Malapascua and Bantayan Island, this was my first time on such a massive ship. Usually, smaller boats are used for transportation, including the ferry boats from Cebu City to Lapu-lapu City. It was an exciting and memorable experience for me, especially since I shared it with my significant other.

As we are heading to Hindang,Leyte the nearest port to it is Hilongos Port from Cebu City proper. We departed from Pier 3 (Cebu City Port #3) and took the ferry headed to Hilongos Port. Leyte is a huge island, consisting of several towns. But the nearest port to Hindang is the Hilongos Port. So we decided to go from there.

We are headed to Hindang, my partner’s hometown. It is a town in Leyte consisting of 20 barangays. They are celebrating their annual fiesta and we can’t wait to join their celebration.

Here are the ferry ticket prices from Cebu Port to Hilongos Port.



For our tickets we paid ₱480.00 each since we chose to stay on the Economy and since we brought our motorcycle with us, we paid for the freight fare which is ₱1,595.50 for the motorcycle. And an additional extra ₱25.00 each for the terminal fee.



”Wow!”, That's the first thing I literally said when I saw the ship that we were going to be travelling into. It's huge, and it's my first time on this kind of ship. I know it may sound like an overreaction, but as a person who is travelling to a different place for the first time, I was just in so much awe.

Of course, I was excited, and at the same time, I felt nervous because I am extreme overthinker and I often see a lot of ships sink. But I left all the bad thoughts and just thought of all the good things because this is my first adventure heading towards Leyte, and I must think of happy thoughts because I need to enjoy, relax and unwind.


Upon entering the ship, we were greeted by helpful signs pointing towards every destination on the ship. The abundance of ferry staff was another plus, as they were always willing to provide directions and assistance. It was evident that the staff of Roble Shipping Incorporated worked hard to ensure that passengers were well-informed and comfortable throughout their journey. Kudos to them for making our travel experience a smooth and convenient one.






In economy rooms, the beds consist of double-deckers. Complimentary foams are provided, so it's a good idea to bring your own pillow and blanket for a more comfortable experience. Night trips can get chilly, so staying warm is important during the six-hour journey. We traveled at 9:00 pm and arrived at roughly 3:00am from Cebu Port to Hilongos Port. It was indeed chilly but we brought our own jackets and blankets and wore socks.


On-board the ship, passengers can find televisions mounted on the walls, providing entertainment options and potentially reducing boredom. However, passengers should note that phone usage may also be a viable alternative. Additionally, charging stations are available on the 2nd deck, and passengers are advised to utilize these stations instead of attempting to charge devices elsewhere on the ship. The crew has made it clear that charging devices in other areas is not permitted.

For passengers who want to grab a meal or enjoy a cup of coffee, there's a convenient pantry on the second level. Unfortunately, I forgot my phone downstairs, so I couldn't snap photos of the area. However, there are plenty of food options and beverage choices available, as well as toiletries for purchase.


I was truly amazed when I saw their comfort room. It was not only clean, but fully air-conditioned as well. I appreciated how well-maintained and hygienic it was. The addition of air conditioning also made the experience much more comfortable. Kudos Roble Shipping!


This is the view from the ship as it was leaving Cebu City, it was offering a stunning view of the city lights and vibrant establishments. Witnessing the city bloom with lights and colors during nighttime is truly a sight to behold. The numerous buildings and establishments illuminate the skyline, making it one of the most beautiful and captivating views in Cebu.

After a six-hour sleep, To my surprise, my significant other woke me up because we arrived in the Port of Hilongos, Leyte I did not expect that to be that quick; it was.

Since we went on a night trip, we arrived at 3:00 in the morning, and the first thing we did was to go to Hilongos market to grab their famous puto monggoes.



Puto consists of sticky rice and is a famous Filipino delicacy eaten most especially during dawn or early morning. But to my surprise, here in Leyte, they pair their puto with monggoes but was served on a sweeter taste. I had mine with hot cocoa. It was a perfect way to start the way. We were stuffed and we also dropped by the place selling Leyte’s famous delicacies.

We bought Leyte’s famous delicacies : the chocolate moron and chocobod. There are a lot of sellers everywhere and all of them were all so nice.




From the town of Hilongos, we then travelled heading towards Hindang. It was such a tiring yet happy trip.

See you on my next adventure. Ciao! ☺︎♡

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