A future as a smartass | Weekend Engagement | Week 172

For this week's Weekend Engagement, I have chosen the topic of the 3 wisdom points that I would share with a class of 10-year-old children. And as @galenkp described it, you share this wisdom with a class of 10-year-old children. So what am I going to do now? I'm going to write this blog as if you were all 10-year-old children, and I'm standing there in front of you all to tell you my 3 points of wisdom. Just keep in mind that I am not a good speaker and that I have never learned to stand in front of a class of 10-year-olds. Enjoy!

Thank you for inviting me here to talk about three important points of wisdom I have learned in my life. If you think this is for you, you can listen. If you don't think it's for you, you are of course free not to listen, but maybe you can learn something from it too. Of course, it is also possible that you already know. Anyway, I hope you enjoy listening to me.

The first point of wisdom

You will meet many different people in your life. And the great thing is that every person normally has their own opinion. These opinions will not always be the same. Not everyone thinks the same. That's allowed! You too will sometimes have a difference of opinion with someone. That's fine too, everyone is different. Everyone has a different personality. Everyone thinks differently, acts differently, and likes different things. You may have experienced that you really want to play football but your best friend says, "No, I want to play a game". You can of course discuss this. But if he would rather play a game and you really want to play football, don't get angry. Your friend is also entitled to his own opinion, and to do what he wants to do. You can't decide for him that he should play football with you, and he can't decide for you that you should play games with him. He's not stupid if he'd rather play games, that's what he feels like doing more at that moment. You're not stupid because you'd rather play football. So that's a point of wisdom that will be useful to you later. Think for yourself. You cannot control what someone else does or thinks. You can only control what you do and think. Sometimes we think we know what other people are thinking or feeling, or what they expect from us. But that is not always the case. Sometimes we can be wrong, or other people can mislead us. That is why it is important to always form your own opinion and not just believe everything you hear or see. Listen to everyone with an open mind, but draw your own conclusions. This way you can decide for yourself what is good for you and what is not.

The second point of wisdom

Don't treat other people in a way you wouldn't want them to treat you. In other words, treat other people the way you want them to treat you. If you want people to be nice to you, be nice to them! You can achieve a lot with kindness and respect. This may sound very simple, but it is sometimes difficult to do. Because sometimes other people are unkind to us or do things we don't like. Then we may have the urge to strike back or take revenge. But that doesn't help. Quite the contrary, it only makes the situation worse. It is better to remain calm and try to understand the other person. If someone is unkind to you, you don't like that, right? Always try to remember that. Of course, you can ask why they are treating you like that, and try to find the reason why they are acting the way they do. Maybe that person is having a bad day, or he or she has a problem that you don't know about. If you are nice to that person, you might be able to make a friend, or at least avoid an argument.

The third point of wisdom

Be careful with nature and treat it with respect. We only have one earth on which we will all have to live. In order to live a good life, we must respect nature and take good care of it. We can't live without it. Nature gives us oxygen, water, food, clothing, medicine, and much more. But nature is also vulnerable. If we don't handle it properly, we can damage or destroy it. That is not only bad for nature itself, but also for ourselves and for future generations. That is why we must take care of nature and not pollute or waste it. We must try to live sustainably and take the environment into account.

These were the three points of wisdom I wanted to share with you. I hope you found it useful, or at least think about it.

Of course, there are many more pieces of wisdom that I could have chosen to share. But these three things have a bit of a special meaning for me personally. I have learned from my own experience how important it is to learn not to think for other people. By learning that I cannot control how other people think and act, I have also learned that I don't have to blame myself when someone else does something not so well. That has given me a lot of peace.

I have also learned that there is often a reason why people are sometimes not so nice to each other. And by remaining calm and friendly and asking why, the other person felt understood and explained to me that it was not my fault. There was something completely different going on that was making this person feel uneasy. If I had also reacted unkindly, the situation would have been very different and we might have gotten into an argument.

Finally, it is important to treat nature well. Without nature, we humans cannot live, and if we all continue to pollute nature, we will certainly reach the point where we can no longer live on Earth because the Earth has become too vulnerable to provide us with all the necessary nutrients.

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