
Goodday hiveans, how is the weekend going. A time to relax either personally or with friends and family engaging in activities that could pass as fun and create a bond. One of the best ways I relax during the weekend is playing games with my brother or friends who visit. Interestingly, the scrabble is a board game we like because it is educative.

My scrabble board is old but still looks news because it is well taken care of and handled well. I remember particularly saving up to get the game. It is one of the borad games I am good at as I am still struggling with monopoly and chess.


Well, one may think a game of scrabble is simple and needs no. Much stress or attention. What makes it really interesting is when you are intentional about the game and a bet is place, a reward for the winner and an house chore for the loser throughout the weekend.

This weekend playing the game involved the loser doing most of the housechores in the house. The game of scrabble is based on strategy, you have to target the big shots that would increase your scores. For instance on the game board, there are places where we have tripple word score,tripple letter score, double letter score and double word score. This means you triple or double the letter number placed on it.


In playing the scrabble, all equipments must be complete to ensure a smooth running of the game ranging from the game board, letter tiles, blocks, a piece of paper for recording scores.


To start the game, you start from the center, a pink boz with a star sign.



So far so good, I am leading. In the game you would also notice that some letter tiles carry higher number that would boost scores for instance the letter q=10,j=8, w=4,k=5. You can imagine when you place these numbers on triple word score, this means Q which equals 10 would be multiplied by 3 to give 30 score.


The game of scrabble is interesting especially when you have to argue for words, check the dictionary if the opponent is trying to play smart. Rack your brain if the letters on your blocks don't make sense. It's all fun.

The score sheet still ongoing

The game of scrabble is one that is advisable for students trying to learn new words should play, as it helps with spelling and learning generally.

Note: the pictures used herein are taken by me with my smartphone

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