[WE113] Weekend Engagement Concept: Bed time stories

This is my entry for the challenge hosted by @galenkp . The topics are all interesting but the first one fascinates me and I wish to know If I'm the only one who go to bed with no clothes on.

Imagine snuggling every day in a tight cave with your two brothers while being covered with silk. The terror and fear can be traumatic but you endure with the hope that the ordeal will be over soon. Then the time comes for your freedom, with excitement you bounce around with your (2) siblings dangling around you. You were pulled out of the cave and the silk. Your joy knew no bounds, finally, you could breathe well and the fresh wind tease you.

Suddenly, you are thrown into another cave. I know how you’ll feel, the little time you have to rest is spent holed up in another cave and you start asking "Why me?".

The inconvenience and pain these 3 siblings must be passing through each day that's why I prefer to free them every night. Nothing can be compared to sleeping with no cloth on. The feel of the breeze touching the deepest part of your body is pure bliss.

I've been sleeping with no clothes on for as long as I can remember. My Parents fought with me at first and thought it was an issue of sleepwalking because they wonder how I go to bed each day in my pyjamas but wake up the next day with no cloth on. With time they realise it's something I do intentionally and they left me alone.


Naturally, I'm the type of person with sensitive skin. Sitting on a bus with someone with our skin touching each other irritates me, even back in high school after sitting beside someone for long the point of contact starts getting hot, I feel the heat even with my fabrics on and I quickly create space between us.

Now, imagine how it feels down there, where my "HappyBoys" are. They constantly scream "free us Dad" and my reply is "Calm down big boys, Daddy will free you when going to bed". So when it's time to go to bed, I sleep naked.

Moreover, the weather here in my Country can be so hot and unbearable sometimes hence the constant need to drink something cold and on the AC. Another reason for sleeping naked is that, if I sleep with pyjamas on, I might wake up one day to see two boiled eggs and one hot sausage on the bed due to the heat.

I know the question you must be asking right now is "don't you cuddle ?". I'm a fan of cuddling but not for long, moreover I sleep in Bed alone so there's no need to be scared of waking to screams from the person sleeping beside me.

As the saying goes "Injustice to a Single part of the body is an injustice to all", so I prefer to be kind to every part of the body and free it all. Wait a minute! Sorry, that isn't a popular quote, I just formed it. lol. Loosen up, free those big boys and girls and let them breathe.

Image: Sleeping with clothes on is like being in a dark cage, once suffocate - SOURCE

What if an emergency occurs

I've considered this countless times too. Believe me, I've thought of it. What if a burglar comes in? What if there’s a fire outbreak? Imagine running out of the house naked in the middle of the night with the neighbours outside looking. Embarrassing right?

However, the advantage supersedes the disadvantages. The disadvantage is just a small price to pay for comfort. Looking at it well, the disadvantage might be a blessing in disguise. Just imagine how scared a burglar will be when a naked man appears in front of him out of nowhere. He will be scared and take flight. ***I'm a Superhero! *** I just save the day. Not all Superheros go around helping in capes, some sleep Naked. lol

The moment you've been waiting for

I desire to get the bonus point by posting a picture of me in bed and I don't read minds but I know you're waiting for the bomb. I won't post any because if I do it won't be real.
I have no picture of me sleeping on my phone. I'll have to snap one just for the sake of this article. I'll pretend to be asleep on the bed with the duvet covering the 3 brothers but remember "Injustice to a single..." the 3 brothers disagree so I'm sorry to disappoint you, there's no picture.

** A Solution**

On second thought, I think I can get the picture across to you and also get the bonus point. You only need to do me a favour. "Tonight, go to bed with no cloth on and see how pleasant the feeling is. I'm sure every part of your body will be glad. That's a first-hand experience of how I look" so you've got the picture and I've got my bonus point. Yippee!

Let the breeze caress your skin. Wait-
Someone said, "Thank you". Please don't thank me, it’s what we Superheros do. We give advice and help others. Let's create a "No cape/cloth to bed Superheros' league" together.

Thanks for Reading! 🛌💙💭

Remember to smile and stay happy always. 🤗

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