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Visiting a WW2 Jewish hideout!

Every year in a weekend in September it's national open monument day in the Netherlands!
That means that you can visit all kinds of monumental buildings! They will open there doors for free or they will organize art events, concerts ore lections.

But there are some places that are on private property and normally not accessible. But in this weekend a lot of those places are being opened for the public.

Just like this place, a world War 2 Jewish hideout.

Recently a building in my home town of Zeist was sold to a developer who is making 6 apartments in it. They agreed in the contract that the old hideout needs to be preserved just like it was abandoned after the war in 1945. The contactor agreed to that and he decided to show the hideout to the public on open monument day.

Offcours I wanted to see it. I took my camera and went for a look.

During WW2 the Jewish Karl Georg and Anna Mazur moved to the buildings attice when they got the call to go to a labor camp in Germany. In that house they have made a hiding place between the staircase and the floor below the attic.
They went in hiding for two years from 1943 until the end of the war in 1945. During the war there even was a German officer stationed In the same building. But he was away most of the day and only slept in that house!

On the right the staircase to the attic and on the left you see the sloped floor of the hide-out out.

The entrance of the hideout in the floor. When they are in the hide out, they could pull a rope that was attached to a wooden box that they could shove over the entrance to hide it for the Germans!

Pictures from inside the hideout. The blankets on the floor are there to keep the noice down. Becaus they where laying on top of the ceiling of the rooms below. Can you Imagen you are laying there with a German officer wright below you?

This was very impressive to be in there, thinking about what it must have been during the war!