First date weekend outfits for guys

Hello lovely WEEKEND EXPERIENCES readers, the Goddess is back to writing about a very nice topic that I saw in this weekend's engagement, namely the lovely @galenkp threw out the following theme:

First date weekend
You have the first date with someone you met only last week on Saturday night. How do you prepare and plan for it and what outcomes are you looking for? Explain your answers.

With no further ado, here is the Goddess take on some very casual outfits for guys to wear on the first date in order to woo your date for the evening!

Once you have a rough idea about what you’re gonna do and where you’re gonna take the girl of your dreams, the next part is all about impressing her beyond measure! Women love a guy who puts in that extra effort, not just in terms of gestures but also the way he presents himself to her. Make it look like you care about her opinion in an outfit that blows her mind, or at least keeps her eyes hooked.

With no further ado, here are some casual outfits that you might wanna consider come the big day!

1. Woo Her In A White Shirt

Take it from the Goddess – no woman in the world is immune to the charms of this sharp classic!

White shirts for men are what dresses are to women; they’re staples without the sliver of a doubt, and can instantly establish you as the fashion guru if done right. They also make you look super suave, and aren’t just meant for the boardroom.

2. Print Paradise

There’s no bad time for prints if you know how to nail them according to the occasion.

For your first date, I suggest keeping it subtle yet statement-making. This means no loud or oversized motifs in pop colors, but just the opposite. Whether it’s a shirt, a t-shirt, or a jacket that is adorned with standout patterns, as long you know how to style them with the right pairings, there shouldn’t be a problem.

3. Black For The Win

Ask any man his favorite color and he’ll tell you it’s black, for sure! This shouldn’t be a surprise to any of you, since black is always in.

It’s a classic shade for your wardrobe and it leaves a lasting impression wherever you go. If bright colors confuse you, then let black be your go-to. You can style it however you want – with hints of other shades or keeping things monotone.

4. Polo Shirts

A black polo shirt is one that has gained a bit of a reputation over the years for being solely a sports favorite, but only the fashion-forward men know that it is not confined to the playing fields anymore.

The polo t-shirt has been reinvented into an item that can fit into everyday mens outfits seamlessly! It is among the list of wardrobe staples now, and I don’t see that changing simply because their cool-guy appeal is sure not to fade off.

5. Blue Suit Combinations

Now, I know I promised you casual outfits for men but semi-casual ones for a date fit the description too.

I think a sharp blue suit will fetch you those extra brownie points from your special lady, and also make sure there’s a second and a third date. Blue suits just like blue shirts are an essential part of your wardrobe, especially as an adult. So even if you don’t want to invest in one just for a date, invest in it for other events!

6. Denim For Men

There’s no one way to ‘denim’ and the proof of that is in the denim shirt hanging in your closet, or your favorite jeans that you’ve worn to death.

The best part about denim is that it’s more than just a fabric – it’s a style statement. It allows you to pair it with pretty much anything on your mind and leaves room for a lot of experimentation. For your big date, why not turn to this wardrobe classic to turn up the charm? I think it’ll do wonders, even if it is highly understated!

7. Layer Up

When it comes to putting an outfit together, most men only look at the basics, i.e. the t-shirt, the jeans, and the shoes. But layering is an important aspect of dressing up too.

The ladies like it on themselves as well as the men they choose to go out with because it goes to show that you actually put some thought into it and didn’t just go with the first two things you could get your hands on.

There are a ton of jackets for men to layer with. Bear in mind that while layering is genius, it isn’t convenient for humid weather. After all, you don’t want to be drenched in sweat by the time you finish your meal.

8. Simple T-shirt

When nothing in your closet seems apt for a first date, and you don’t have enough time to browse through online shopping sites, let a well-fitted t-shirt come to your rescue!

Apart from giving off an effortless vibe, it will also let your date know that you can choose the most simple pieces and make them look dressy! It’s a major win, trust me. T-shirts are extremely easy to style too, so you really have nothing to fear here. They’ll make for the most no-brainer casual outfits for men.

There you have it guys, 8 nice ideas for what you should take into consideration cometh the big date! Now go out and sweep her off her feet! :)

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