[WE107] Weekend-Engagement concept - Would I Rather?

My response to @galenkp's (WE107) Weekend-Engagement: Posting topics. You can also join here. Happy weekend to you and yours sir.

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Today's Topic:

Would you rather: Would you rather work in a job you totally hate but pays you well or work in a job you love and find inspiring but the pay was low and you had to strictly budget your financial matters. Explain your answers.

Can I be honest? Okay because I want to be honest and this is me laying my heart bare and explaining the situation of Nigeria alongside it. If I want to give the answer that everyone would love to hear I would say let me just work on the job that I love even though the pay is little and I can find a way around working on cutting my budget so I can focus on doing what I love but I would be lying.

We live in a system that doesn't work here in Nigeria and with the mounting inflation that isn't going away, we are here on survival instinct and it's not noble or loyal to do what you love if it doesn't pay you that much. I can only do what I love if the pay is little when I can do so much to make up for the little pay. I mean if for instance, I'm doing blogging full time, then I can make sure I find myself in 6-7 different blog sites so the little I earn can form a whole for me. If it's that then I would say I don't mind doing the things I love because the stress would be worth it since I love doing what I do.

On the reverse side of things, with the family you have to cater for and the mounting responsibilities that lie ahead of me with taking care of myself, I would do what I don't love if it pays so well. I won't lie that money is a huge motivation sometimes and you just have to find the good about what you do and try to like something about what you do since you are getting paid for it.

I've had to take a job I know nothing about and I didn't like. I was a loan recovery officer and I hated that job. Some customers would talk to you anyhow as if you are the one owing them. They signed a contract with certain interest rates being added and when it's time to pay they start questioning the interest rate. It's annoying but you dare not abuse or talk to them anyhow. You just have to take it in. I had to see that job as a way of learning patience that's why I said that you just have to find something to love about the job you don't like as long as the money is very good for you, considering the alternatives.

The daily going out to meet with customers, stubborn customers, moving around in the car to locate houses you might never find or customers that moved out already which would affect your monthly target when debts are not recovered isn't something I like at all. I don't like being given targets. I know it's good for the pressure but I didn't like it but I had to do the job because it was paying me what I needed for my home easily.

In a working system, I can do what I love with little pay but not in Nigeria. So many things will frustrate you in doing what you love so what's the point? It's about how much you can earn to take care of your home because everything is demanding things from you in this country. The bills range from crazy electricity bills, foodstuffs prices that skyrocketed, school fees that you cannot negotiate, clothes you have to buy and other things that are necessities that you can't shove aside. Where is the time to do the things you love if you are not focused on the money? A lot of people would even abuse you when they think you are not focused on the money to take care of your home.

This is me being honest and as long as I am in Nigeria, I want to do a job I don't like as long as it doesn't involve killing or ruining other people's lives. As long as it's just about my kind of person not liking that job, I would take it if it pays my bills more than the job I love. If it's in a working system, I don't mind earning little and sticking with the job I love.


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