A Venezuelan wanting to visit Australia - WEEK 190


I have always loved traveling, getting to know new places and cultures, and living unique experiences. That's why traveling to Australia is one of my goals to accomplish before leaving this earthly plane.

After five months of being away from this community, I have returned to celebrate Australia Day, which was last January 26th. For this, I have chosen the option:

Do you think you'd like to live in Australia and if so why...if not why not?

I live in Venezuela, a beautiful country that has been under a system of government for more than 20 years that has caused more than seven million compatriots to migrate to other countries in the world.

Most of them have left for other Latin American countries due to the low cost of transportation. Others have gone to the United States and Europe, and a small group, but very fortunate, have gone to Australia. I think the group has been small because the distance between Venezuela and Australia is quite considerable and this trip would be quite expensive, especially if you go with your family.

The comments I have heard from some of these Venezuelan migrants is that this country has many good things that invite them to visit or stay there.

I can not speak with accuracy about Australia, I have not traveled there, but listening or reading several Venezuelans who live there and the information you get through the internet you can say that there are plenty of reasons to visit such a wonderful country.

Australia seems to offer a high standard of living, with a good public health system, efficient public transportation, a safe and clean natural environment, and a pleasant climate. Already there, you have a good start, a good reason.

It also has a strong economy and a low unemployment rate, which means there are many job options in different sectors, such as mining, agriculture, technology, and energy. In addition, working conditions are favorable, with a decent minimum wage, paid vacation, and flexible hours. I would be happy, I would feel secure in my job.

Photo taken by me on my laptop to Google Earth with the image of Australia.

In terms of education and thinking about the kids, Australia has a high-quality education system, with 10 universities among the 200 best in the world, according to what I read. It also offers a wide variety of courses and programs for international students, who can obtain a student visa and work while studying. I think this is great.

As far as I understand, it has the Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef system in the world. Its vegetation and its fauna are unique, there is nothing like it on the rest of the planet.

For vacation or enjoyment, it is an ideal place to enjoy nature, sports, and gastronomy. It has a great variety of landscapes and biodiversity, from paradisiacal beaches to deserts and mountains. You can practice activities such as surfing, diving, hiking and cycling. Surfing with sharks must be crazy. It also has a rich cultural and gastronomic offer, with festivals, museums, restaurants, and bars. I have been told that the Australian Whisky is very good and the wine is not far behind.

In this part, there is something extremely important. Australia is a very diverse and tolerant country, where people of different nationalities, cultures, religions, and languages live together. In my research, I learned that there seems to be a percentage of people who come from other countries, which makes it easy to make friends from all over the world.

But best of all, Australians are friendly, good-humored, and highly competitive, and most of them like sports. I can see why some Venezuelans don't want to leave.

So, if you ask me if I would like to go to Australia, I would answer with a resounding yes. I want to get to know this fabulous country and learn from its people.

Now, you who read me, if you are Australian or live in Australia, tell me, tell me if all the wonderful things that are said are true. For now, I want to go there.

Happy Australia Day!


Original content is written exclusively for
Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 190 - Australia Day edition - 2024.

Own images edited with CANVA.

All rights reserved. © Copyright 2023 Germán Andrade G.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

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