Wrong Ideology about going on a date; My experience.

The purpose of going on a date is beyond the food and drinks, don't ignore the purpose for a few hours merriment - George-Dee

I had a crush in school then, she was the first person I interacted with on my first day of resumption. I got attracted to her for two reasons which were her dress sense and hairstyle. She wore a local fabric and hairstyle which caught my attention immediately after I stepped into the classroom, I love traditional things and couldn't look away.

Every other lady in the classroom looks differently, wigs, makeup, lip gloss and others but this particular girl stood out because everything about her was natural.

"I like your hair", I complimented the hairstyle and she replied with a beautiful smile. Her chin, sparkling set of teeth and tribal mark captured my heart and it was the beginning of our friendship.

We became friends instantly and discovering that she was intelligent made me want to get closer to her. I wasn't in school for a relationship but I believe that if she feels the same way I feel about her, we could spend the future together in each other arms.

I have always been an old-school lover, my approach to relationships is kind of different and I don't follow relationship trends. I don't get intimidated or influenced when it comes to relationships and I don't do things because others are doing it.

So, we were just friends in my first year. During the holiday, I didn't go home and since her parents live in the school environment, I decided that we go on a date. It took me quite a lot of time to decide that because I was scared to completely fall in love with her. When I am in love with someone, no part of me is left behind and for this reason, I feel very sad if things eventually don't turn out well.

I chatted all through the night and eventually told her about going on a date, she sounded really excited about it and I thought it was a success already.

We were to meet at one of the school gardens on Friday evening, there were only few students in the school environment so it would be perfect since there won't noise and probably zero or less distraction.

I woke up on Friday feeling good and couldn't wait for the evening to come. I left home an hour before the scheduled time, I went to the fruit market to get some fruits, table water and a pack of juice.

I went to school in a casual dress and those who know me can tell that I always love to be very simple regardless of the occasion. I sat on the field and smiled like I won a lottery while expecting her.

At exactly 4pm, I called to know her whereabouts but she didn't pick up. I tried again some minutes after and the line was switched off. I waited patiently till 6pm and had to leave when the school securities started parading.

I didn't know why she didn't turn up but she started avoiding me after and the next time we spoke was when we resumed for the second year.

There was no tangible excuse for not honouring the date and I didn't allow it to end our friendship. I was still the good George to her and before the end of our third year, she got pregnant. It was a big issue because her parents mustn't know, she confided in me and I advised her to inform them about it. The guy was willing to take responsibility so she took my advice and one fateful day, she told me why she didn't turn up for the date.

Her best friend convinced her not to go because that wasn't a proper date. Her friend made her realise that a proper date should be held in a luxury place or an eatery and that was all.

I don't know where people got the mentality from but it's ridiculous to think that a date must be held in an exotic place where you can eat your future in a sitting. It is about getting to know each other properly and not proving how financially capable I am. The purpose of a date is for communication and getting to know about one another but it is the other way around.

When the word "DATE" comes into the picture, what comes to mind for many is those mouth-watering meals. Whenever I share my perspective about going on a date, people think I am weird. This same kind of date was what I went on with my sweetheart some years ago and she was happy to be there.

Image is mine

We sat on the field, ate fruits, drank juice and the environment even graced the moment for us. We chatted without any form of distraction and I didn't run into debt for trying to know someone better.

I won't deny that I have been an expensive date but it happened with the same person who felt okay with a field date.

Thanks for reading my response to @galenkp weekend engagement prompts feel free to share your experience with us as well.

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