Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 157

My mother told me there's three things I can't ever have: Tattoos, guns and motorbikes. Sorry mum, I got all three.

- G-dog -

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You know that feeling when you get to Friday and look back on a really great week? I do not have that feeling right now; it's been a rather shit week overall. I'm looking forward to a good weekend though, there's a truck show on in a little spot on the river and I'm heading there on Sunday and I'll be at the range shooting on Saturday so it'll be a good one...it's also a long weekend with a public holiday on Monday so that's nice. I hope you can say the same and your weekend is great.

I'm here once again with some writing suggestions in case you are looking for something to post about over the weekend. I'll wrap up the weekend on Monday with my highlights post so please follow the guidelines below to be eligible.

This week I will be gifting three users with 200 @ecency points each, a total of 600 points. The posts need to show passion, personality, effort, creativity and meet the guidelines of course. The points will be sent at the conclusion of the weekend and announced in the highlights post.

Follow these guidelines

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👉 #weekend-engagement must be the first tag

👉 Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community

👉 Follow all the community rules and use ENGLISH only

Writing topics

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What are you afraid of and why? Write a post of 300+ words and use photos you personally took where possible.

Human nature

Name one thing you like and one you do not like about human nature, not your own but in general. Write a post of 300+ words and use photos you personally took where possible.


Do you have any tattoos? If so (and you're willing) photograph one and explain what it is, why you got it and what meaning it may have, if any. Write a post of 300+ words and the photos must be your own - no stock images.

Battery operated

What's your favourite/most useful battery operated item you personally own? (Mobile phones and computers are not included). List the item(s) and explain them. Write a post of 300+ words and the photos must be your own - no stock images.

The funniest thing (one)

What is the funniest thing you've personally seen someone do in real life? Explain the action and situation and any repercussions from it in a post of 300+ words and use photos you personally took where possible.

The funniest thing (two)

What is the funniest thing you've personally done in real life? Explain the action and situation and any repercussions from it in a post of 300+ words and use photos you personally took where possible.

Entries close at 07:30(am) UTC Monday 12 June (Link to UTC converter)

Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

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Curation is based on post quality, effort and personality and I prefer to see photos the author has taken personally rather than stock images. Only original content is acceptable - I don't want to see AI content. Please double check your post against the guidelines above for eligibility.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free]

The image in this post is my own and is not for your use - Queenstown New Zealand, Shotover Jet Boats

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