WE85 post topics: Learning, curiosity and mysteries

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Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.

- Lewis Carol -

Life is sometimes a puzzle to be solved, a learning experience. The shape life takes is largely in our hands but sometimes things pop up that perplex and confound us or simply pique our curiosity - Take a look below for the topic prompts and if you feel like doing a post do so in THE WEEKEND community. original im src

Simple guidelines to follow

✔️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
✔️ Must be posted in THE WEEKEND community.
✔️ Post directly into the community - Do not self cross post (Community rule)
✔️ Post in English (Use a translator if you like)
✔️ Ends when the Peakd countdown timer reaches its end
❌ Plagiarism won't be tolerated - Do your own work and credit photos

Follow the guidelines above so you're eligible for the rewards and feel free to comment below if you have any questions about how it all works.

Short punchy title  in-focus images  well-crafted interesting text no repetitiveness  personality and passion use weekend-engagement as first tag  on-topic.png

Benefits to getting involved

Some posts may be curated for @curangel rewards and voted
Best/most liked post(s) pinned to THE WEEKEND community
Top post(s) showcased on the winners announcement post

This week's topic(s)

Option one: Curious

Describe something that piqued your interest or curiosity but you actually knew nothing about. Why were you curious about it and how did you satisfy that curiosity?

Option two: Learn

Tell us about a time you learned a very valuable lesson. What was it, the circumstances around it, how did the learning process go and what was the result?

Option three: Mystery

If you could find out the answer or solve any mystery on the planet what would it be and why would you like unravel it's secrets.

Curation and hive-rewards may happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your feed.

Comment below if you have any questions about how it all works.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is my own

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