watching plants grow


I had nothing planned, I think because Saturday was so structured, although my plan not to plan anything was a plan in itself so...yeah, Sunday was planned and that plan was to do nothing much at all and not plan anything. Ok, I'm getting caught in a space-time-continuum here...I'll move on.

I've not been sleeping well lately; it's not surprise as my sleep is often quite bad. I was up at 05:30, wide awake after a night of tossing and turning, so did some Hive-reading. That did the job, I managed to fall asleep again and later when I woke I felt a little better. I breakfasted and plonked myself on the couch to watch some motor racing, with coffee. I didn't move for a while, I'll not say how long, you might judge me.

Eventually it was lunch time, yes I moved from the couch long enough to make and eat it, and then sat back on the couch went outside and did some watering in my garden. It was rather nice considering how hard I worked yesterday which you can read about here if you have any interest.

I love my garden, the growing and caring of plants and also just being in it relaxing, nights around the fire pit, BBQ's or just waking early and taking my breakfast out there whilst the sun rises. I do that and more out there, and it never fails to bring me enjoyment. That's how I felt today so decided to extend the enjoyment by combining it with something I (usually) find enjoyable and that's taking photographs. I say usually because I'm not good at it and sometimes get very frustrated.

I took about one hundred and thirty seven million photos and managed to take several good ones so I was happy with that. I plan to do a little post about them sometime but the one in this post was taken today - Sweet peas.

A little later I did a video chat with my nephew and watched him putting up and decorating their Christmas tree which was fun. He's only four but did a good job and I look forward to him being here for Christmas; I've not put my own Christmas tree up so that we can do it together. He seems to like putting all the decorations in one small area so...I guess my Christmas tree is going to look wonky as fuck this year. It's ok though, I don't mind. I video-chatted with my niece too and enjoyed speaking with her as much - She's the cutest little person ever...although is a little sick at the moment, poor thing.

That's about all I did today. I suppose I could call it a rest day and, thankfully, it went slow, like watching plants grow, and that suited me just fine. Monday starts the grind over again and this week is going to be fucken hell challenging but rewarding and I'll approach it with gusto and alacrity. What about you?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

I took the image in this post myself.

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