Mr. Bonkers for the win


Proud? Yeah I am very proud of my nephew @mrbonkers like any uncle would be. He's put so much work into his BMX racing, and it's been so great watching his progress through videos sent to me and hearing him talk about it on video chats. He's improved exponentially, unsurprisingly effort and dedication has a way of helping people improve, and it's so great to see him getting the results he's looking for...but what exactly are those desired results?

Over the weekend @mrbonkers has been camping with his parents, my brother and his wife, at a really cool spot in the far north of Australia near to where they live although they had to interrupt the camping trip to attend a sizeable BMX racing carnival which my nephew was keen to race in; I love how passionate he is about it and the other activities he does.

I spoke with him the day prior to the event and was asking what his goals were - yep, five and a half years old and he knows the value of goal-setting and laying plans to achieve those goals - and I was so pleased to hear him say the following, in that order:

Fun and also to race at my best

Below is the trophy he won for winning. Cool right?

He didn't win the entire event of course but he won his division, the 6 year old division, which I think is cool because he's only a (small) five and a half year old kid racing against kids between six and seven years old. #prouduncle


He was really excited to tell me about the event on a video chat and explained the whole thing to me, the way it worked, who his competition was and how he managed to progress through the elimination races to get to his division final and win it. It was a lot of racing, the poor little guy was worn out at the end, but he was so pleased with his efforts and he had fun!

This nephew of mine is a great little kid, one who reminds me of me and my brothers when we were his age, and I'm really pleased to see how he's picking up on life's lessons little by little and even more proud of how he applies them to his life.

I guess my only disappointment is that I'm not there to see these things take place and support him in person, they live a very long way from where I live and I only get to participate by photos, videos and video chats. It's still enjoyable though and we are bonding together regardless...I love being the person he most wants to talk to about what he's doing, his success and failure, other than his parents of course. He pesters them saying things like, can we do a video for uncle bonkers, and I can't wait to tell uncle bonkers, when he has something to tell me and I think that's quite precious.

Anyway, that's about it, just a quick @mrbonkers BMX success story, and one that makes me very happy. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the same...and to talk through those times when he's not as or lose I think he's a champion.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post kindly provided for my use by my sister in-law

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