Solar eclipse at home 🌖✨


Greetings friends 🤗 I hope you’re having a nice week. Last Saturday I had the joy of seeing a solar eclipse again in a super simple but impressive way.

I only remember seeing an eclipse when I was about 4 or 6 years old, if I am not mistaken on that occasion my cousins and I saw it with dark glasses, we were impressed, by this time I knew it was not appropriate to see it like this.

I tried to put together a box as the tutorials show on the internet, but after doing it I felt that it might hurt my eyes, which in itself is not very good, so I broke it hahahaha. I resigned myself to seeing it online, but when I went out to feel in my skin the softness of the sunlight I noticed the spectacular lights on the floor. I had heard that you could see the eclipse that way, but I didn’t remember it until I happened to see it.

I was very excited because on the internet I had not managed to find the eclipse captured from my country, and I wanted to know how it was going right here. I forgot all the earrings and devoted myself to being happy for almost two hours.

I liked the Lora of the house, Lorenza. She waits every afternoon in her little courtyard cottage to be found and kept in the place where she spends the night safe from any predator. If they don’t look for her, she does throw herself on the ground and start walking towards that place. This time he did it during the eclipse 😂😂 in his opinion the night was approaching.

I didn’t manage to capture the maximum point, but that didn’t stop me from taking pictures and admiring how impressive nature is, created with laws that make everything flow harmoniously, created for our enjoyment.

I say goodbye wishing you the best ❤️ I hope I can be more present here from now on.

Images of my property
Captured with a Redmi Note 3

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