Week 146: What I Need To Hear Dear Me.

Dear Me.

This is just to inform you of things I want you to know about yourself, there are things you practice before but now you have become a shadow of yourself, then you use to have some number of books you read each month but this days you don't even read a book in a month.

The image is mine.

What has come over you?

Let me tell you in this life when you don't keep on reading, soon you will become outdated, life is like a book that each day has its content, but it depends on how you want to end your life because the more you read the better you become.

Regarding your business, there are things you have to know so you can grow fast, you will need a business mentor that will guard you on how to go with your business like your farm you have to pay attention to it so you won't end up losing like last year.

I will like to also tell you about your kids you have to give them attention because they are at the right time, and whatever you teach them will stick with them forever, don't say they are still tender this is the right time.

You need to know this one too, never look down on little beginnings because they will one day grow and become what you can't imagine, that business you are thinking won't amount to anything one day you will be surprised to see the outcome, just be diligent in business.

The last thing I will love you to know is that you must be faithful, it is in your faithfulness that you can be rewarded, and consistency gives you good results, don't allow people's attitudes to control your life, and don't allow people attitudes to stop your joyful life, in all you do maintain your joy.


Best Regard

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