Hi weekend community, hope y'all are doing okay well today I will tell you who ended their week with the best treat.
Today has been one of the most memorable days of the week for me because I'm usually an indoor person so any chance I get to be out had to impress me enough for me to want to do it again and guess what 😏 I think I love being outside!!!!!!


Initially my plan was to stay home maybe watch a movie and chill but life had other plans, I figured since I would be home all day tomorrow I could spare todayπŸ˜‚ for a little fun and I do not regret my decision 😁.

After not too much thought, I decided to go to the beach one of the reasons is that I love to be around the water and Incase you're wondering, I was by myself 🌚.
I didn't think too much about my outfit, I just threw in a little this and that added a scarf and I was good to go.

The secret to having a good time by yourself is taking tons of pictures, idk there has to be a psychological explanation because I feel good looking at my pictures from any outing even though I was alone.



The journey of having a good time started with two steps for me, I was determined to make it count so I took as much pictures as possible, I took cute pictures of my feet, nothing symbolical just my feetsπŸ˜‚ .
I played with the water alot, had a total stranger take pictures of me (I thought it was weird) but I'm weird so I guess it's normal 🌚.



The weather was so corporative, the clouds were bright and beautiful, the sun was shining and it wasn't scorching just mild enough to sit on my skin with elegance, the sand was .... Well SandyπŸ˜‚ as it should be.



I was there for the most part of my day, watching people do their thing, dance, play games and sorts of fun stuff normal people do at the beach, this is a sign nobody should go to the beach alone, never do this guy's, take this from me, a first hand experiment.
I plan to do this again and this time, I would come prepared ( with lots of friends)


So that was it guys the highlight of my weekend because I know what tommorow would look like, I would be taking the day off literally, I plan to rest alot and just stay home.

Thank you for reading my post today, I hope y'all had a blissful Saturday.

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