🎯 Flowing with a purpose, my strategy for the days of life

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"Do you prefer to plan aspects of your life or let it happen and go with the flow?"

With this question we wake up to week 197 of Weekend Experiences.

And throughout my life I have had the opportunity to experience both extremes, you could say. From having everything planned millimetrically to not knowing what day it is. These are the conclusions I have drawn.

I tried to keep a rigorous schedule and have each month planned in advance

But on the contrary, reality is always surprising us with unforeseen things and new events that arise as coincidences in the even more timed day.
Planning very far into the future, in addition to involving a fairly large mental energy expenditure in imagining future situations in a perpetually changing world, and trying to predict behaviors... I no longer dedicate much time to that.

Yes, I did it when I was studying in high school or at the university where, due to life reasons, my existence was a little more predictable and I should organize my days in terms of exams, family birthdays and a few other things. But once you leave those highly structured environments, I think that in my case what happened to me is that I ran to the other extreme, that is, having absolutely no calendar or agenda for a year.

Modern life is too unpredictable.

Should we party like there's no tomorrow??


Just flowing bro...

Thus began another era of my life, of "don't be tied to office hours." "Live the moment". "Be free". Framed by Beat poets and anecdotes of friends who threw watches out of the window shouting: "we are already in eternity."

The time has come for me to want to live a life without counting the seconds on my wrist, without a cell phone in my pockets, without any account, or social network, without even using a calendar or asking what day and time it was (only guided by the sun and the moon and my desire).

Backpacking trips

I tried to learn to live in the present moment motivated by two things: guaranteeing my existence through playing music in the streets and being able to go to the beach for as many hours as possible. It was my time living in Brazil that lasted 2 years. It was wonderful and for me it lasted about 5 years because I learned so much. I lived from day to day with nothing planned. My watch was my belly. I wasn't interested in knowing what day it would be.

The relativity of time became a highly valued tangible thing, but like a ship without a direction it can spend years going round and round, marveling at the same shores, but never truly achieving something new.

Therefore, in all my unstructured nebula I began to wonder again if I should start including some more pre-planned routines that would allow me to have more control of my life, plan it but feel free. I had been enthralled in the flow, but without advancing in the achievement of any more ambitious goal than enjoying the present. Which is no small thing!







☁️ 🌜 Concentration

At least once in my life, I wanted to define a specific goal so that if they woke me up in the middle of the night, I could say it clearly. And feel aligned with my destiny.

For me, the best thing is then to have a clear PURPOSE, flexible measurable (3 to 5) personal and career Goals that allow us to get closer to that purpose. And strive for self-improvement every day.

Bringing together the best of both worlds

What does it mean to be able to measure progress, see numerical results and feel on a path to somewhere. But on the other hand, also leave room for the happiness that things arrive magically. Having our north focused, allow yourself new paths. Open up to other people. Listen to different music. Learn another skill. Incredible, fortuitous events occur, why not? Deliberately expose yourself to events flowing as randomly as possible. Without expecting anything in return.

Being aware of everything we have traveled, enjoying the path ahead, the goal when we reach it, and what will come after.

❤️ 🌱 beautiful week 🌱 ❤️

Photos from my personal archive
Text for Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 197
Editing images in Canva

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