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[WE114] Weekend experience: Getting breakfast Ready

Image source from unsplash

It was already 7 am in the city of Ilorin and I'm yet to decide how to go about my breakfast. Some people don't wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is think about food. Well, I'm different. In the city of Ilorin, there is something common to the traders here, they love to come late to their trading shop.

In Lagos city where I grew up. 6 am is the time all traders are already up and running with their business. I wonder which city is busier between Lagos and New York City, that's to show how busy Lagos is. Getting to Ilorin city everything changed. Most traders resume by 9 am.

This is a weekend contest initiated by @galenkp in the weekend experience, you can take a quick look at it

I decided to leave my home at 9 am, got in the car and my brother drove us to the market

When we got to the market. We met just a few traders and the things we wanted to buy we were unable to buy them all, it was painful because the fish seller didn't have the kind of fish I wanted to buy (Titus fish) so I ended up buying another one (Sharwa fish) I got pepper and tomato's to make soup, pasta for breakfast, I couldn't get oil because the traders haven't arrived too.

We left the market sad because we can't keep waiting for the other traders to arrive, the two young men were very hungry at that time. I don't understand people who don't take their business serious in this cityGot home and started cooking, I blend the pepper, cut the fish, and did the necessary things. It took more than an hour to get the food ready.

After the food was ready, we ate like a lion that ave starved for days without any lioness to do its bidding. After the food, we slept like babies in the hand of their beloved mom but it was on our big bed.

During the evening time, he went out to watch the match between Manchester united vs Brentford. He is a Manchester united fan while I'm a Chelsea fan so I didn't go with him. It was on my WhatsApp status I saw the uproar of some of my friends who were supporters of Manchester united, so I decided to check the score and I saw this

Sorry to all Manchester united fans out thereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Things will turn out well for you. I hope when my brother is back he is unable to eat so I can eat his portion too😁😁. Just kidding anyway. Happy weekend to you all.