Drink and dinner party ([Week 119] Weekend-Engagement concept)

Some of my friends still work in the medical and health department, and drinks and dinner parties are going on regularly in our department, in these parties, everyone keeps on drinking till late at night and then returning home after having food of their choice.

Yes, just last week before the weekend, a friend of mine was promoted, and in honour of his promotion, my friends organized a drink dinner party in the guest house of the department, I was also invited to attend this event.

At the end of the week, the party was organized with the same purpose that after having full fun in it, the next day's holiday would get a chance to rest the whole day at home comfortably.

I thought that on this party I would meet many of my old friends and enjoy the party. I would like to tell you here that I started my own business of medical and surgical items three years back by taking voluntary retirement from the department.

Being very -busy in this business, there were very few opportunities to meet my old friends now. That's why I did not want to miss this opportunity, so I had made up my mind that I will go to this party and have all the fun.

And after finishing my work, I reached the party place around 8 o'clock in the night, till then only a few people had come to the party, because the party was going to last till late night, so many guests were expected to come by 9 o'clock.


picture https://pixabay.com/nl/photos/vrienden-party-drankjes-bier-1903068/

But some of my old friends were very happy to see me reach there, and they presented me a welcome drink as soon as I reached, today many foreign brands of liquor were being served at the party and also many varieties of non-vegetarian dishes were also available there.

I also kept two pieces of a chicken drumstick on a plate along with the drink. When the drinks started, soon more friends also started arriving there and started coming to our table to meet me, the chief guest who was promoted was also sitting with us, now the gathering started.

Although I am a drinker within my limits at any liquor party, that day I met with friends after a long time and that friend and myself got very excited.

And for this reason, many glasses of alcohol went into my stomach, and then we all enjoyed a variety of delicious food. That's why I got very intoxicated with alcohol, I started staggering my steps.

Then a friend arranged to send me home in my own car with the help of his driver. I didn't know how I reached home, or who drove me, but when I woke up in the morning my whole body was hurting and I was having a hangover from alcohol.

Then I took a tablet of Aspirin, Anti Gastroenteritis medicines etc. Then I became normal in a few hours.

After seeing my condition this weekend I decided that I will never drink so much alcohol again no matter how much my friends insist on or show love.


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