My three significant words: love, patience, generosity, - Week 156


Greetings #Hiver and beautiful community of @WEEKENDEXPERIENCIAS may everyone have a nice weekend full of blessings for all, today I will participate in this nice initiative promoted by @galenkp in it that invites us to reflect on one of the topics that interest us. The 3 Three words that caught my attention the most are love, truth, generosity....

Love is the basis of everything, it is a feeling that moves us, inspires us and enlightens us in our lives. It is the deepest emotion that connects us with purest and truest emotions, that makes us feel alive and complete, we can manifest it in many ways, from compassion and friendship, to attraction and passion. But at its core, love is an unconditional commitment to care for and protect the other, to share life together and to support each other in the most difficult moments. Loving is the courageous and generous act, which requires opening our hearts and being vulnerable to the other. But when we love with authenticity and dedication, love gives us back its strength and makes us stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity, it is not a passing emotion, but a lifelong commitment. It is a choice we make every day, in every moment, to care for and value the other and to do everything in our power so that love grows and strengthens, it is not perfect, but it is courageous and struggles to be so every day. Love is not forever, but it can last a lifetime if cultivated with patience and dedication. Love is a gift we give to ourselves and when we give it to others without expecting anything in return it is a sign of our humanity and capacity to love.

Patience is that virtue that I do not have, but I try to be patient, few possess it and it helps us to face the difficulties of life with calm and serenity. It is the ability to wait for the right moment, to trust in God, that everything will turn out well, and to not lose faith in the face of adversity. Patience, however, teaches us to be patient in waiting and to trust that time will give us what we need. It teaches us to accept that some things take time and effort, and that we simply have to be calm and patient enough to reach the goal, to have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. When we are patient, we are not overcome by stress and fear, and we are able to remain calm in complicated situations. In this way, we can focus on our goals and move forward without losing our way, so we always know how to have the necessary patience to reach our goals and be happy.


Generosity is not only giving money or material things, but also giving our time, our attention, our emotional support and our skills. Being generous is a way to show our love and affection towards others, to show them that we care about them and that we are there to help them in whatever they need, it not only benefits the other person, but it also makes us feel good. When we help someone, we feel useful, valued and important. In addition, generosity can bring more love and happiness into our lives by strengthening our interpersonal relationships and creating an atmosphere of trust and solidarity. Being generous is not always easy, as we often face situations that make us hesitate or feel uncomfortable. However, it is in these moments when it is most needed, it is a value that can be cultivated and developed. We can start by doing small acts of kindness and then gradually increase our generosity. We can also encourage generosity in our children and be a role model for them, teaching them the importance of sharing and helping others.

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The love of man is great only when it is reciprocated, but the love of GOD is so colossal that it immerses all of us in it.

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