embarrassing thing your parents have done WEEK : 168



Hello to all the cute community @WEEKENDEXPERIENCIAS today I will participate in the initiative created by @galenkp where he exposes several topics, the ones I liked the most were What is the most embarrassing thing one or both parents have ever done?....

It is the topic that caught my attention, it led me to evoke beautiful memories and although I don't have my parents alive, I wanted to talk about it because it was the first thing that came to my mind. Those beautiful and unique moments I shared with them when they were alive, I would not change them for anything. My mother was very peculiar because she was very sociable and outgoing. One of the things my mother was known for was her contagious laugh. It was laughter that made anyone who heard it end up laughing without knowing why. She had the power to cheer up and steal a smile from anyone who was near her.

One day we went shopping at a store to buy some dresses to go to my cousin's wedding. While we were looking from store to store for clothes and shoes, I saw a dress that I liked, but there was no dress in my size. My mother told me to go to the fitting rooms and try it on, so much was her insistence that I went to try it on. But by then I was a little overweight and the dress fit me horribly. I looked like a badly tied bun. I called her over to see the dress and she started laughing as she always did. When she saw me, she burst out laughing and her laughter was so loud that the saleswoman and the other girls who were shopping laughed without knowing why. I, out of nervousness and embarrassment, wanting to take off my dress quickly, ended up breaking the zipper and we ended up buying a dress that I never wore.

Just to hear my mom's uproarious laughter, I was always embarrassed. No matter where we were, in a store, at the movies, in a restaurant, if something was funny to her, she would laugh nonstop. Although I always enjoyed her company, laughing the way she did seemed exaggerated and outrageous.

On another occasion, on one of her birthdays, she broke out and sang drunkenly for several hours in front of the whole family, it was very embarrassing, she sang horribly, at another time being at home with some classmates and my mother began to show them the scrapbook of my childhood photos, in which I appeared disheveled and scantily clad. This embarrassed me a lot because, at that time, I was in love with one of my classmates and they laughed non-stop looking at my childhood photos because of my hair. They called me many nicknames, such as "clown", "hairy" and "witch". This made me feel very self-conscious about my hair and I tried many treatments to straighten it. But over the years I understood that it was what set me apart from others, what made me stand out from the rest, and that I should not try to hide my essence. I also understood that I should not be ashamed of my mother's laughter. It was her way of living life and not stressing over anything. Seeing her, laughing and making others laugh was her way of being happy.


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