Life is beautiful because it is not static but dynamic. The dynamics of life is in it coming in phases or seasons based on growth and development of we humans. Growth is a major characteristics of life and part of growth is the transitioning from a child to an adolescent. One of the major feature of this transitioning is the visible changes that occurs in both male and female as regards sexuality and reproduction.

This transitioning has specific and distinct features in both male and female body parts and hence, cannot be generalised. The age at which a young boy or a young girl comes to the knowledge of these changes in his or her body is called the age of awareness. It varies from one person to another, the more reason it is in ranges. The range for the age of awareness is between ages 9 - 12yrs in which the visible reproductive body changes starts to occur and this is key for foundational teachings on sex education.

Based on experience, this is the best time to start sex education for these young ones as it marks a transitioning into another phase of life i.e. leaving childhood phase to the adolescent phase of life. This is so important because it comes with natural inquisitiveness from these young ones about the changes noticed in their body like breast development, hairs in pubic parts, beards/mustaches (moustaches), menstral flow (menarche especially) and others.

The first sex education should come from the parents to their offspring rather than from an outsider to prevent misinformation and for proper orientation. As the inquisitive questions are been raised by these young ones to their parents, the parents should endeavor to tell them what they need to know as it is. There have been instances of misinformation especially from friends, outsiders or because of parents shying or skeptical about the true to their ward which are not good enough.

Sex education is not something to be shy of because it forms the beginning of sanity/sanctity of a wholesome sex life because a wrong foundation of what sex is can be dangerous. It is unfortunate hearing/seeing what is happening in schools amidst young ones as regards sexuality. As soon as a child knows the left from right and is aware of his/her sexuality as a male or a female with the onset of puberty, sex education should be initiated by the parents or guardian as appropriate.

Sex education for children at the age of awareness by the parent or guardian primarily and by the school secondarily makes for a rounded/balanced understanding of what sex is, the need for sex, personal hygiene, the consequences of unhealthy sexual experience, sexual abuse and all. Proper understanding of what sex is through a conscious sex education prevents and preserves from perils which can come from wrong practice.

Therefore, the age of awareness between ages 9 - 12 years should mark the beginning of sex education for young people because it forms the foundation of knowledge which makes for a balanced and rounded sexual practice. Happy weekend and thanks for reading. Comments, contributions are welcomed.


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