In life, different things excites different people based on our preferences, values, likes, passion and interest. All we humans has things that excites us which differs from person to person and this makes life beautiful. For me, one of my greatest excitement in life is helping people or meeting people's need as I'm privileged to do so. In life, we all need one another at certain times for one thing or the other as life cannot be lived or enjoyed in isolation. There is this excitement i have by helping or assisting people out in their time of need.

By the virtue of my career as a professional in the healthcare system (a Pharmacist), i'm moved with empathy when patients comes to my place of work for one health need or the other. Whenever such need is met and i got these positive feedbacks (as i do request of them), my excitement is always on the increase. For example, there have been instances of recoveries following therapies, interventions, counsels given to patients which when adhered to yielded positive results which gladdens my heart. Some of the people involved appreciated this service and it earned me popularity and referrals.

Another remarkable thing that gladdens my heart asides helping/assisting people is to teach/impart knowledge of what i know and sure of to people who gave me the audience and are ready to learn. Knowledge cannot be forced on people, but it excites me if I'm called upon to impart a knowledge or understanding after been recognized to do so. I love to be a blessing to people by the understanding of things i know which are valuable and useful to people. For example, i was reached out to sometimes as regarding an input into a research which i gladly accepted and it came out well.

Furthermore, I'm excite at every privilege of service whether to God or humanity. I strongly believe that leadership is a privilege and a life of service is worthwhile. It takes selflessness and sacrifice to serve others and also to lead others as leadership is a trust. For example, i was called upon last year to be a head for a secondary school outreach to commemorate an annual professional event. Though not the very first of such, i counted it as a privilege and at the end, it came out well. Also, in March 2024, i was elected as a new exco of the professional body i belonged to which i counted as a rare privilege and trust given to me.

Another thing that excites me so much is when i see someone with good and balanced understanding of life. I believe this is relative but the presence of basic understanding like integrity, honesty, dilligence, service, punctuality etc do excites me because i treasure this alot. When i see an individual maximizing family, career, religion and other facets of life just as i saw in my mentor, it thrills me alot. I believe no aspect of life should suffer for another and hence, a rounded understanding of life and its value is key to achieving this. These are the things that excites me, thank you for reading. Comments, contributions are welcomed.


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