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Eybyoung Is Not Just A Username But My Nickname (WE112)

Hello Hivers! Hope you are having a great day ahead.


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I'm still like a newbie lost in the wilderness of hive, I'm not new to blogging since I blog on other crypto blogging platform but on Hive, it feels like I'm always newbie exploring since there's so many stuff I have to understand. Just like I posted on a wrong community, I wrote an article about Hive AMA and posted it in OCD, it should be on Leofinance.. see? I'm really lost, lmao.

But, I'm not the type who give up after few tries..I was actually trying to work my hive account, so I won't give up until I get how this platform works.

So, I keep browsing communities to see what should I write that would fit perfectly on a community, and found this WEEKEND EXPERIENCE community posted and engagement topics where we can write. I was glad and found the nickname topic interesting..

Nickname given or received

Do you have a nickname or pet name given to you by someone else? What is it and why were you given it? Or, have you given someone else a nickname that stuck What is it and how did they earn it?

@galenkp/we112-weekend-engagement-concept / https://source

Eybyoung is not just a username to me but a nickname as well, some may wonder what does it mean and how to pronounce it. Eybyoung can be pronounce as “Eb-yang” it's a nickname given by my mother. Whenever she's mad or annoyed she called us (me&siblings) an ugly name.

Ebyang is like an old lady or a crazy lady in our tribe. My mother is a terror mom, and calling us with an ugly nickname was so easy to her. Most of us with my siblings has a nickname given by her, and she only calls that nickname when she's angry or during her scolding session with us. One of my sister was named “Iska” by my mother, it's the same with “Ebyang” an old crazy lady or a freak. Mom used to hate me before, that is why she calls me ugly name..coz she believes I was the cause of her misfortune in life when she bears me and my biological father left her.

You might wonder why it became “Eybyoung” and not “Ebyang” instead? I always hears my mom screaming that name in my head, I can't forget it so instead of remembering those ugly memories with it, I tried rebranding it by making the spelling different and unique.

“Eyb” instead of “Eb” to pronounce it softly, transition to the hard pronunciation of my mother when she screams with that nickname. “Young” instead of “Yang” coz I feel literally young. Ebyang refers to an old crazy lady, so I made it young instead coz I'll be forever young in my heart.


I'm turning 30 years old by September but I still felt like 18-20 years old, I'm stuck in the feeling of youth and it also reflect on my physical appearance. Most people think I'm still teenager, some think my daughter is just my lil sister.

With “Eybyoung” I am not just rebranding the nickname that my mother gave me, I'm also trying to make a good memories with it to replace those ugly memories mom had created. That is why I use this username all over the net.

At least in my existence, I can make ugly things into beautiful things..and I started it with my nickname.

That's how “Eybyoung” was created. From an ugly name to a beautiful,young and vibrant one.

Thank you @galenkp for making this interesting topic, it brings back the memories and the reason why this username of mine existed.

This is an entry of weekend engagement, if you want to participate just tap the link attached above to check the original post of the creator. Tagging my friends here @ruffatotmeee @Yen @Jane1289 @dennnmarc @zbabe, guys try nyo na areh.