Kris-kringle with coffee dates and mini meetups with a whole bunch of events during the week


I will be sharing again how my week went and the activities I did. I missed posting last week's activities and some of my friends here on hive were asking, why I did not do my The Weekend Blog. 🤭

I've been caught off with different activities at work and outside work. As you can see in my previous posts I blogged about my restaurant visit, coffee dates, and our mini Kris-kringle with my friends.

This week as well we celebrated "Thanksgiving" in our office in line with our US customers tradition every year before Christmas and New Year. The management offers free food and drinks for everyone as a token of appreciation for assisting our customers and going to the office though we are still facing this pandemic.

Here are the photos that were taken on Friday with my co-hivers @baninan and @breakn3ck.


We had a great Friday and the rest of the week and went home early and prepare the stuff to bring for my Saturday planned date with @gerel.

I grab this opportunity to be able to visit Simala for the third time.
Since it's her birthday this coming December 1, I want to make this little sissy over here happy and be able to be a part of her devotion.
We planned to go there earlier but the weather is not cooperating. It has been raining but that doesn't stop us. We left around 7:15 AM from her sister's place and traveled almost 2 and a half hours to Sibonga.
The weather changed from cold to pretty hot. We lighted the candle and each candle symbolizes love, peace, loyalty, health, harmony, financial success or growth, and faith.


Since the place is still under renovation there are only limited spots that we can go to. We are looking forward to hearing the mass but for some reason, we were not able to do it. We spend time just looking at the place and taking photos and saying our little prayers and wishes for the new year to come.

Here are the photos we took during the visit.

That's for another whole week of fun activities and routine, hope everyone has a productive and relaxing weekend. 😚😊

Some photos used in this blog was sent to me via email and don't personally owned it and edited via canva.

Explorewithsasha Blog about her passion, daily and weekly routine, travels, and experiences, and in between. I welcome comments and feedback to improve my content and to continue learning.

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