My greatest discovery (Week 217)

What do you consider to be the best find or discovery you have made in your life and why? (no religious posts.)

The best discovery I have made in my life is to know myself and to experience a significant personal growth that is still in constant search and change as this is a lifelong process. I am always coming up with new dreams and personal needs that I struggle to fulfill through hard work. I believe that the process of maturing is intricate and depends on many factors as each person is different and has his or her own experiences. If we reflect, we will notice that life moves from the simplest to the most complex.

For many people, getting to know themselves can be risky because they may not accept themselves as they are, seeing a different version of themselves, which can lead to confusion and sadness. To reach the desired self-development one has to go through several difficult stages during the process of maturity. The hardest is accepting that you are one way, wanting to be another way and reaching your goal. For example, since I was a little girl, I had greater abilities for the arts, so everyone thought I should study something related to art, but I wanted to be an engineer and everyone who knew me warned me that I could fail because I was not good at mathematics, but since I wanted it, before taking my college entrance exams I put geological engineering in first place and I actually passed a lot of work. I made it in the end because I didn't give up. By proving to everyone that I could become an engineer, I learned that growing up and maturing are signs that you are developing as an adult.

Therefore, my greatest discovery has been the discovery of the need to learn, mature and grow. As people we are inherently driven to participate in this process by society, family and life itself. On this planet, universal laws operate in this way.

The image was taken by me

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