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In my second life (Week 222)

If you had two lives available to you how would you use the second one differently based on what you learned in the first? Explain. Use your own photos.

If I ever had the chance to live a second life, it would be one something too cool. I know enough about myself (or at least I think I do 😆 ) to guide my other self in the right direction, knowing that, at times, my other version can be a bit hard-headed. So, instead of fighting her stubbornness, I would opt for a more persuasive approach to convince her.

First of all, I would do the complete opposite of what I did from the age of six until I was twenty-three. To that version of me I would encourage her to be a more studious child, even if she tried to convince me with all her arguments that children were born to be happy and play 😆 since being a good student in elementary school is the basis of everything. That would allow her to develop as an applied woman, making her life easier and establishing healthy habits from the beginning. When she reached sixteen, I would urge her to avoid the dentist and not submit to braces in an attempt to achieve perfect teeth. My experience at sixteen was terrifying and, although people laugh now when they hear about it, I will never forget how bad I had it. Dentists and their braces give me the creeps.

Throughout my short existence in this world, I have learned that everything comes in its own time. There is no need to force or rush situations, no need to give up in the face of difficulties. In this second life, I would take advantage of every opportunity that came my way and not allow sadness to consume me for days every time something went wrong. While I recognize that we all need a moment to cry when something doesn't go right and reflect, in my new life, I wouldn't give that miserable sadness more than two days 😆. Also, from a very young age, I would value my mother much more, place her on a pedestal and try to be obedient (to the extent possible 😁), avoiding any attitude of mine that could cause her suffering. Her love is a priceless treasure. Upon turning eighteen, I would leave behind the fears I had of failure, express my feelings more freely and act according to my wishes, always respecting others, of course.

Finally, to my other improved self 😆 😆 I would stress the importance of honesty. Lies only lead to complications and discomfort, both for oneself and others. Instead of trying to momentarily save myself with deception, I would choose honesty, even when it's difficult.

I want to clarify that I do not regret anything in my life. I have made mistakes, like everyone, and I am not perfect, nor will I ever be, even in another life, with another, more applied self. However, correcting these small details, I believe that my life could have reached this current moment with less complications 😁.

Have a great weekend

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