๐ŸŒ A perfect world (Week 223)

If you could make the world an amazing and beautiful place where humanity thrived in the future, but doing so means killing every person currently existing on the planet to start from scratch, would you do it and why/why not? Use your own photos.

It is a very difficult, profound and complex question๐Ÿค”. In my opinion, nobody in their right mind would kill other human beings to transform the world. If you are going to create a perfect world based on destruction, nothing positive will come out of it.

Notice that artificial intelligence is already being questioned: if it is going to be used to replace humanity, it is not a good thing. Besides, artificial intelligence to solve doubts, does not bring anything new; it is the same thing with the same thing, only with more fancy and beautiful words. You have to put yourself to think alike to achieve an innovative result to a project How could a machine, which needs the human being, replace humanity? ๐Ÿค–โ“

According to scientific data, more than 99% of the Earth's species have disappeared, most of them during catastrophes and extinctions such as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. Humanity has never faced this, but, according to scientists, at the rate we are going, we will disappear sooner rather than later, due to overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change. Nothing will happen to the Earth without our existence. Maybe to the plant and animal species that have bonded with us๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿพ, but the others won't even remember us; in fact, they will be better off.

Cats will definitely not miss us according to science ๐Ÿ˜…

From my point of view, the idea of eliminating all of humanity to start over is very difficult and illogical, because every life has a great value, based on respect for the life and dignity of each individual. The idea of sacrificing everyone for a better future makes no sense. Moreover, all the vast knowledge and experiences that humanity has acquired throughout its evolution would be lost. ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ’”

Although there are many problems to face, there are also many advances in science, medicine and technology that have improved people's quality of life. Starting over would mean losing all that knowledge. Let's go back to our ancestors: it has been proven through the history books that change is possible through education, innovation and cooperationโœŠ. Instead of eliminating humanity, it would be more constructive to work on solutions to current problems such as climate change, inequality and conflict. Violence and elimination are not viable solutions. ๐ŸŒˆ

The idea of a perfect world is appealing, but eliminating all of humanity is impossible and goes against the fundamental values of respect and dignity. No to violence ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ช. We must find ways to improve the world we already live in, drawing on the knowledge and experience we have accumulated through our ancestors.

Have a great weekend

All photos were taken by me

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