All about my highschool years: wk 215

I think it would be an understatement saying my highschool years wasn't fun, because I had lots of sweet memories all thanks to the school authority for always ensuring we had fun filled experience.

Truth be told, I wasn't part of the quite students forum as each and every list of noise makers you get to find my name πŸ˜€ but then I was loved by almost all my teachers and classmates cause I took my education serious. During my school days, I was more of the social type and my favorite club was the social club which comprises of the dance group, drama, comedy and anything social you can think of. Initially I thought I was a dancer so I joined the dance group but as time went by I realized I couldn't express myself through dance neither pass the appropriate message I want too to my audience so I switched to the drama group.

I found fullfilment in the drama group as I get to express my self the way I want and I must confess my audience including the club master appreciated my effort and contributions towards the growth of the club. After spending a few years I was made first the custom director and afterwards the president of the club.
Aside being the president of my club, I was also giving a prefectship position as the maintenance prefect. My duty was to ensure the school properties are in good shape and also taking proper documentation of school items to avoid case of a missing desks etc.

Aside all I have mentioned above, below are some of the highlights that made me enjoyed my highschool.

Cooking day
The cooking day is hosted every second term where the school spare an extra week for the students to showcase their skills in cooking. To make it much easier, each classes select a particular meal different from each other and financial contributions were made for the success of the day.

Carol day/inter house sports
I believe this is so common in every other schools as it is held every first term. The Carol is hosted towards the end of term while the inter house sports is observed during mid term.

Graduation/ price giving day/ class party
The third term is the most anticipated day because during this day awards are given to the hardworking students and it marks the end of a session.what about the class party where you get to hang out with your mates and have fun together.

Club day/ cultural day
These are one of the days that made school so fun. for club days, each club get to showcase their talents while cultural day is to showcase our various cultures.

These and so many more made my highschool a memorable one.

All photos are mine.

Thank you for your time, peace πŸ•ŠοΈ

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