Music is Art, Music is life, Music keeps me thriving!

Music is parts of what makes life beautiful for me. Everything in music counts for me. From the beats to the lyrics. Especially the lyrics. Sometimes I listen to just sounds of the instrument and if I was feeling depressed I become better, go deep into the lyrics. If there was no music. I certainly can't imagine what the world would look like.


But I have my own kinds of music, the ones I love. Generally I love music with meaningful lyrics but my favourite are cool music, slow beats and heart loving lyrics. Something that will break you first, them mould you back even more stronger, kinder and courageous than you were.

My favourite music for now, that moves me deeply is titled "BRAVE", by fearless soul. After listening to the song countless of times. I realized that courage is not the absence of fear but still sticking and pulling through even though you are afraid.


The song tells you to do the things that makes you most afraid, feel the fear and do it anyway cause Every scar is a lesson. My favourite parts of the song is the part of the lyrics that says,

you can move the mountains, Don't even hesitate.

The mountain there stands for both positive and negative.

Positive mountain, in the sense that you can go beyond the sky, do whatever you want to do and become whoever you want to become. Negative mountain, in the sense that what ever burdens, you are shouldering, please let it go, cause everything will be fine.

Every lyrics in this song is beautiful, encouraging, and many more. And I love the song very much, it brings peace and it keeps me going!

Link to the lyrics of the song.

YouTube link

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