Loving My Solitude!

My Boss! (My son).

My Boss Lady! (My daughter).

@galenkp; What is your most favoured way to find pleasure when you're alone and why?


I prioritized my children's wellbeing above my needs or desires.

Raising kids takes a lot of hardwork, especially when you are covering for two. I never had time for myself as I was doing my job of raising them and doing the normal 9-5, just to be able to cater to their needs. But with each passing year, they are growing and those little tasks that kept me on my toes most of the time, kept diminishing. The years go by so fast and suddenly they are all grown up and I am alone with so much time on my hands.

For a mother like me, facing an empty nest is one of the most challenging phases of my life but reflecting on the past 23 years of life as a parent, I'm uplifted knowing that I have been able to raise children who are flying because of the love, care, patience and guidance, and they could look back on the great mother they had growing up.

It was all worth it!

Right about now, I'm trying to find pleasure alone, I have become reflective, seeing this phase as an opportunity to accomplish and enjoy this next part of my life, doing whatever keeps me happy and satisfied. I'm taking a breather, to catch up on life like I have been away for quite awhile.😊

I know I have to treat myself right so I have learnt to enjoy my company, all by myself. I find pleasure in listening to my kind of music(country), watching my kind of movies (I'm just in love with Zeeworld and Indian movies) and then staying connected to my parents. They are aging and I know they miss me a lot by the way tears well up in their eyes anytime I came around. I make the moments count for them because I know that one day down the road.... Well, time is ticking.

Mom and Dad on Mother's Day!

I have learnt to love my solitude.

Above all, I'm having fun, in my own company, all by myself. 😊

All photos are mine.

Thank you @galenkp for the prompt.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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