Dining Like Royalty!

This is in response to an initiative of @ericvancewalton, to make us walk down memory lane and relive those moments long gone, keeping them alive for our future generations.

Here's the link

In a year from now you’ll have a legitimate memoir that you can pass along to future generations of your family. But what I really hope is it provides a valuable glimpse into your inner self.

This week’s Memoir Monday question:

What are some of your all-time favorite restaurants?

My answer:

BoonTown: For many decades now, I have explored too many numerous restaurants within and outside my residential location and I have had to compare and decide which was best, letting my palate be the guide.

Working so hard during the weekdays, weekends would always be for my treat time.... mine and my kids....kids would always love stuffs like that yeah. For that reason, weekends were eagerly anticipated by my little family.

However, as age caught up, I had to cut down on those fast foods to the barest, for health reasons, and indulge occasionally, especially to celebrate milestones in my life or in the lives of my kids.

BoonTown is more than a restaurant to me, It's like a second home. Their diverse and delicious cuisines apart, the renovations and decor upgrades over the years have enhanced its welcoming ambiance. For over a decade, I have been a frequent visitor there, the overall aesthetic and styling of the restaurant's interior, the choice of colours, furniture, lighting, artworks and other decorative elements, all contributes to giving it that desired effect, making it a favourite spot for me and their teeming customers.

It is indeed a welcoming environment.

Now lets dive into their Cuisine or Cuisinart. Their culinary expertise is excellent, outstanding, exactly to my taste, just the way I love them. There's something about their chicken that keeps me coming back for more. And they make amazing noodles and rice, and their chicken....whoa! Their grilled chicken is on an entirely new level..... crunchy, crispy, tasty..... what's that again...er...yes, exotic!

there is always that greedy person that wanna finish all the peppered sauced meat....lols.... I love the way they make them, soft and packed with flavour.

One of the highlights is their fresh palm wine (Pammy), yes palm wine. I have a very deep fondness for it. When freshly tapped, its alcohol content is nearly negligible but gradually increases as fermentation sets in. Because I have zero tolerance for alcohol, I don't take the fermented version.

I love it freshly tapped, straight from the farm and that's what makes BoonTown better than all the rest.

And all local delicacies are also served there.
You would think I must be royalty to dine in such exquisiteness, yes you are right! With their pocket-friendly prices, everyone is royalty....

All photos are my authorship and taken during our weekend outings.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for this grand initiative.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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