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Memorable weekend strengthening family bonds-WEEK 173

They say that memorable moments are not measured by the money spent or by the amount of people we meet, precisely today dear friends of the community who love weekend activities, today I come to share with you and make it clear that it is not necessary to have the above mentioned to have an excellent weekend, why do I say so? Well, simply because I lived it precisely this Saturday where together with my family we decided to change the monotonous of the weekends, giving a complete twist to our activities, leaving aside for a moment the responsibilities and worries to enjoy a pleasant moment in connection with nature, so come with me and know what we did and why I am so sure of what I tell you.

It all started last Saturday morning, by coincidence of life we all woke up early, although I must tell you that the problems with electricity was also a trigger for the decision taken, which was to go out, forget about everything, grab the first thing we saw and go out in the car to clear the mind, in this case the destination was a park well known by the inhabitants of my city which lends itself to various sports and recreational activities, along with my parents and my pet we just walked in search of a nice time, away from everything related to electric light 😅 and the only answer to this was the purity and prosperity of nature, what better place for this than a park, abundant trees, some animals like squirrels and iguanas, also pets like our case and above all people who with their incredible attitude transmitted the desire to take advantage of every second while we were in the park, which by the way is named Guaiqueri with indigenous origin which made life in these spaces formerly, today cared for and safeguarded safeguarding their spaces by the National Parks Institute (Inparques).

At first we arrived at a good time, very early at about 8 am, this to avoid encountering the strong sun which in recent months has been keeping high temperatures reaching even 40 ° 😨, but being surrounded by nature a little ameniza this factor, we also had to be aware of this issue to be in the company of our pet, which are prone to heat stroke easily, for this we had water to keep it hydrated.

The reasons that made that Saturday memorable is that we were able to visit the park after a long time, we had not done it for a long time, this helped us to catch up and being away from technology we could talk and discuss issues that normally at home we would not have time or at least the willingness to do so to be each in their own things or wasting time on social networks, This is something that I recommend everyone to do at least once a week, it is very favorable to have good chemistry in family and to break the barrier that many times is created by the current situation we live in, with children who were practically born with technology and who do not get to know the value of going to a park or going out to play.

I'm not going to lie that I was a little prepared with my phone to take a couple of pictures to share with all of you today, I wanted to give publicity to the beauties that can be found in my state. So with this I say goodbye dear friends of platform not without first highlighting the importance of breaking the routine, this ruins relationships in many ways, sentimental family and even with our pets that require a lot of attention, let's take advantage of the time, the small moments with our loved ones because maybe tomorrow will be late, until another opportunity!!!!.

The text is entirely my own

The images are my property

The translation was done with translator: Deepl