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[Week-138]-Weekend-engagement; My childhood's Comparison.


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'she's better than you'_
'Your nothing compared to ger'-

Well comparison maybe quite already attached to us, if there's a good or bad, a great or not, even in life and death ,saying yes or no and dealing a positive or negative one. We often compare the differences. It's a part of our perspective to think for us to consider the outcome. And for me, one of the reason it happen because of the insecurities we feel, that sometimes we compared ourselves to others and feeling loosen up.

There's also a scenario that we tend to copy what they do, for us to feel better and that thing COMPARISON started. We hide ourselves until one day you can't even tell who really we are, what exactly your likes, wants and even your favorite color because we used to hide and do the things what others want us to do, meet thier expectations for us to avoid hearing such a thing and to be a better one for them. I now it sounds like crazy, but it often happen mostly in teens, and I experienced it. It happen in peers, school and the worst is even in our own family.

In My family:

It hurts that the people who is important to you can't see your worth and appreciate your efforts and even compared you to anyone.

Well I don't have a happy childhood, but I'm thankful as it is where I am right now. My father often compare me to the child of our neighbor which is also my classmate especially in school matters like; having a award or to be with honors in every graduation, good grades and become one of the representative of the school to participate in a contest in municipality.

As a child, playing is the only thing that comes to our mind and our concern. I was 8 yrs old at that time and on my 3rd grade so at first it's just nothing as I didn't care about it. Until such time that when we are having a family gatherings my uncles and aunties bragging about what thier child got in school, and then my father just said-"my girl? There's nothing she good at beside of playing. Not even on her studies, not at once unlike Maria always top of thier class".

At that moment, it hurt me and even about to cry but I just old on to it so that the embarrassment that I feel won't be worsen. Yeah, Im guilty about it and on the other hand I also feel bad on how our relatives look down my parents about on it. Maybe those who are brave will just ignore it, but that time the situation got my pride and I swear to myself that one day I can have also a medal as a school award and make my father proud of me.

In My Peers;

I often get laugh from my peers, because they saw how I get scold and the way how they look lead to my insecurities and I feel ashamed about it. So I decided to do what my parents want me to so that I won't get scolded anymore.

And I did it, I was one of the student who have an excellence award and even got a certificate on my 4th, 5th grade and also in my highschool. However, it's to much pressure on me to get the expectation of them and it is so hard.

Anyways it all happened in the past and even it's not that good but it gave me a lesson, that's why this is my message to you;

"Comparing yourself to someone can make you loss confidence, feel insecure and overthink so please don't.You may experiencing or having this kind of situation please don't be feel intimidated, because you've got more than enough to be a better one".

Happy reading and have a great weekend    everyone ❣️