Weekend-Experience: A Search For A Friend

One of the most difficult things to have in life is a true friend who has all the qualities one desires. There's always a moment of misunderstanding and conflict, and a time when it seems as if everything is crumbling and there's no one who understands your silent cry. We are not perfect and may never have anyone who's perfect, that what makes us humans right? However, if I had the power to make a friend with certain qualities during the weekend, I'll choose the following qualities.


Friendship is built on understanding. I would want a friend who sees beyond his selfish interest, instead, puts himself in one's position and judges fairly. A quality that permits him or her to understand that certain things in life such as mistakes are inevitable because we are humans. A friend who believes in perfection but understands that it's a continuous work in progress. Understanding is what first separates a true friend from ones who camouflage around.

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It's possible we've tried to do something big in life and at the end become discouraged because no one believes in you or has a positive opinion on the matter. Most often we are easy to believe opinions given by friends because they're the closest to us. Imagine having a friend who never sees good or possibilities in everything you want to do, it would not only limit you but it would also hinder you from growing. Optimism is one of the qualities I'll need in my new friend, someone who would encourage me to break forth and spread my wings, changing narratives and breaking limits.


All work with no play makes jack a dull boy they say. I wouldn't need a boring friend for the weekend, I'm already a boring person, so I would want someone who's social to cheer my weekend with several events and drama. It should be a friend with no dull moments rather, mix play amidst work.


Being supportive is one very important quality of a friend. Someone who is ready to give his all to ensure you're well. There are just a few of this quality out there. If I could have a friend with these qualities , there's a lot of things I could achieve.

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