Weekend Experience: A Plague Worst than death

William Shakespeare says:

Coward die many times before their death; the valiant never taste death but once

It's easier to assume death as the worst thing that can happen to any man and that's because he ceased to exist among humans. But have you ever considered a coward?, someone who thought lives but had stopped existing long before. All that he sees are dangers in everything and had chosen to live a compromised life in order to buy himself life that was already his.

Who remembers the name of a coward? Who remembers the name of someone who chooses safety over freedom?. Death is not the worst that can happen to any man, accepting defeat even before the battle begins is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Death happens when one is defeated, but a coward is a walking dead. Imagine a coward, you'll see a man curled in the confined of his house with just a little space given to him to live. He enjoys the remnants of what a valiant had eaten and is denied his inheritance right before his eyes.

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There was once a small city that was tormented by a giant. His virile and huge stature sent shivers to the indigenes of that village. He made them his slaves and denied them their birthright. The people only lived to work for him, no one had a say of his or her own, and all they waited for their entire lives was death. People who were once rich and flourishing begged for bread to eat. Even though they had men who were a bit huge, no one dared challenge him. A young boy who was born in slavery enquired from his grandparents where they actually came from, realized his rroot was of kings but that ended when they were brought into captivity. The boy outgrown his fear, set up a fight in which he defeated the once giant and once again freedom was restored.

Cowardice makes a man vulnerable to the point of losing that which is originally his. Cowardice makes a man weak, running when no one is chasing him. Whatever one fears becomes his lord. A coward is never remembered. Whenever he dies everything about him is forgiven.

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