Weekend-Engagement 130: A Letter To The Future Me

Sometimes it seems our future-us waits eagerly hoping that we scale through this youthful age without giving up. This future could be in our old age when we're frail, or just when we clock 60. I'm writing to myself in 10 years to come, hoping he could hear me and know that I haven't given up on our dreams.

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Dear Future Me

Hello, It's me again. I'm in the year 2022, and just a few things have changed about me. The older I get, the more I realize the wrong decisions I have made in the past and wished I hadn't. I hope I will be able to make all mistakes and learn from them before I meet you. I've grown more beard and I look more stressed than before, a lot of things are getting tougher and I understand it's a struggle I have to overcome if I want to meet you in comfort.

I had envisioned you to be successful, with a beautiful wife and three kids. Yeah, it hasn't been easy seeing that I fulfilled this dream I have for you. I have gone to school and studied hard, I have learned other professional courses , and read books about finance and happy marriage life. I've dedicated some of my youthful years to learning that I may not miss it at that point in my life.

I've cried hoping that I'll find laughter in you. I have starved myself and had sleepless nights that I'll find rest in you, I've given my all and my comfort so that I wouldn't have regrets when I meet with you. It isn't rosy now, but whenever I feel like giving up, I look at you and the people whose future depends on you and I encourage myself to keep pushing.

I've bought assets, I've built investments, I have made friends, I've created connections, and whenever I think about you, I know it isn't enough. Recently, my mum asked me about my goals, I just couldn't mention all I've envisioned about you. and she encouraged me to always pray. I'll be in my 30s soon and I'm still single, but there's this girl I saw and I hope she's the one.

Finally, I'll always pray for you. Just know that I'm doing my best to ensure I give you the best life.

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