Lie Or Truth

Would you prefer to lose the ability to lie forever or have to believe everything you're ever told?

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Credulity is always ridiculous, often a dangerous failing: it has made many a clever man, a fool; and many a good man, a knave .
Frances wright

To lie is a choice, to become gullible might be a thing for lifetime. For some minutes I had to think between the two options and weigh their consequences. A lie can make people not trust you, a lie can equally set one in bondage trying to prove to be true about what he said, and probably put one in trouble, but those are less hazardous compared to being gullible- made to believe everything that's either printed or spoken. Credulity puts one in a position where he no longer has the right to think or believe in his own perspective, this not only makes clever men fools but deny them their liberty as humans.

Some might consider lying as a defense. Being truthful at all times might be a bit risky especially when sensitive questions are asked. Imagine one asking for your next move or your hive keys and you can't lie. However, there's another choice to replace the inability to lie- To keep quiet. Yes, you wouldn't need to spill words out when you know you no longer have defense. So staying mute would help save the day.

I'll prefer to lose my ability to lie to being gullible. Gullibility is like being a slave to people's doctrines and beliefs. A lot of people have lost track of who they are today because people sold false ideas to them at a very cheap price. Many agitations and war had been stirred in the past and present because a fake documentary with a series of history had been read to their hearing. One no longer becomes his own thoughts but the thoughts and ideology of another.

A lie has both advantages and a disadvantage but I doubt if gullibility has an advantage other than becoming a puppet and being offered tips to make you feel loved. Losing the ability to lie in itself is a good trait that requires caution, and this caution is not Farfetch - Be still, where lying would have been a better option. A had to imagine for a minute someone coming to tell me everything I have ever been told is a lie, and starts anew to tell me how I originate from grasses and I'll sit and believe him. I'll only be like a leaf wavering by the wind in whichever direction it goes. So.. I prefer to lose my ability to lie.

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