Do Ghost Exist? A Search Into the paranormal

After death, what next? It's a question a lot of people ask. Some believe that's the end of their existence while others believe they transform into another body known as the spiritual body and in my tradition, we believe people who did diabolical acts while in the fresh transform into ghosts after death. Personally I believe ghosts exist, I've felt the presence of someone on some occasions without actually seeing them. In my childhood, we were told the presence of a ghost is identified by a chill feeling which causes contraction, making the hair in our body rise. I feel this each time I pass through a graveyard or walk through a lonely path in late hours.

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I have never seen a ghost but I've heard of people (very close to me) who saw one. Most often, these ghosts are seen a day or two after the death of someone in the community, it's believed he or she was associated with something evil. Even though I have not seen a ghost before, I've seen signs of it that makes me believe it does exist. I have heard footsteps of someone following me which stops immediately i turn back to look if anyone is there. I have seen footsteps of someone outside after hearing footsteps walking down the street without actually seeing anyone.

The talk about ghosts isn't common in the cities, but common in the villages, usually late at night. They are believed to torment anyone whom they come across late in the night. The persistent barking of a dog at night is believed by us to have seen something paranormal. People who have seen a ghost roam around through the night say fire comes out of their mouth as they open it to speak while tormenting The person. Just the fact that there are a lot of mysteries in this world makes it believable that ghosts actually exist, there is a whistling sound that blows through the night, if one listens carefully, it sounds as if people are in that wind talking. I don't know how true it is, there was a video that captured a ghost flying in the air late at night with red eyes lurking around an abandoned car

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