Week 155 / -Love, lust and desire-

I wish you an excellent evening friends of the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community, today I would like to accompany you with the following question que nos plantea @galenkp

¿Love, lust and desireHow do love, lust and desire differ in your opinion? Explain your thoughts in a post of at least 300 words and use a photo of something that you took personally if you can.?.

A deep and affectionate feeling characterized by affection, understanding, respect and devotion to another person. It is an emotional connection based on mutual trust and commitment. Love involves selfless care. It manifests itself in everyday gestures of affection and care, such as listening to each other, respecting each other, showing physical and emotional affection, and being present for each other. Deep emotional connection based on trust, open communication and mutual understanding that, over time, builds a solid and lasting relationship. Love manifests itself in times of joy and celebration, but also in times of adversity and hardship, as you both support each other through all stages of life. It is an experience that we all live at some point, a feeling that makes us grow, learn and experience a deep connection with another person.

Related to sexual desire and physical attraction, it is an intense and temporary sexual passion and craving, which may manifest itself fleetingly or impulsively. It focuses primarily on the satisfaction of sexual desires and may exist without necessarily involving deep emotions or commitment, which can lead to a burning desire for sexual encounters and intense sexual fantasies and a search for immediate sexual gratification. However, lust tends to be fleeting and does not necessarily lead to a lasting or meaningful relationship. Although sexual desire is an important part of intimacy, it is essential to combine it with other elements, such as communication, respect and affection.

In a broad sense, it can refer to both sexual desires and other desires that are not necessarily related to sexuality. It encompasses a broader spectrum of longings and aspirations, such as the desire for success, for recognition, to achieve personal goals, to have rewarding experiences. Desire can include emotional, material or spiritual aspects and can also be a source of motivation and satisfaction in the pursuit of a full and meaningful life, setting goals and taking steps to achieve what we desire. However, it is essential to find a healthy balance, valuing also the present and finding satisfaction in the future.

In conclusion, the differences between these three aspects:

Love: is based on deep and selfless emotional connection, affection, understanding and mutual commitment. It focuses on the care and well-being of the other, transcending the physical.
Lust: focuses on sexual gratification, relates to intense and passionate sexual desire, Lust is impulsive and temporary, and does not necessarily involve deep emotional connection or long-term commitment.
Desire: can encompass different longings and aspirations in various areas of life. It encompasses both sexual desire and other longings and aspirations, such as success, recognition or happiness. Desire is broader and can manifest itself in different aspects of our life.

Friends this was my participation in Weekend #155. Thanks for reading dear readers!

I invite you to participate here

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