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Weekend engagement 205: Music as an intimate refuge.

I have always been reserved when it comes to showing my skills, I greatly enjoy certain activities but I feel that sharing them with others could make them uncomfortable, I don't want to seem pretentious, so I have a hard time showing my talents, I guess it's part of being an introvert. It is something difficult to explain and understand, even for myself since it does not have much logic.

One of the activities that I have kept private for years is playing the guitar and singing, it is something that fulfills me as a person and that I reserve exclusively for myself, I even usually record myself while I play to listen to myself and constantly improve my skills.

Over time, I have managed to buy my own musical tools since playing the guitar is not limited to just having a guitar, but you also need pedals, amplifiers and audio interfaces, luckily, I have many of these things.

Music has always been a great hobby for me, as a teenager I played in several bands but not precisely because I liked playing for other people, but because I enjoyed playing with other people, there is a big difference between the two things. I was very uncomfortable playing for an audience and I feel that in all the time I played in bands I never showed my full potential, that's why, currently it is something that I reserve for my moments of solitude, demonstrating any type of creativity causes me a terrible shame, even I don't even like doing it in front of my girlfriend, even though we've lived together for many years.

I have noticed that as the years go by, musical instruments become more and more obsolete, those times when you walked down the street and saw people with guitars on their backs are in the past, people have lost interest in learn to play the guitar, or at least that's how I perceived it, I have even offered almost free music classes, without the need to have a musical instrument, and even in this way I was not able to attract the young people of the neighborhood to learn this beautiful art .

My point is that I could continue to keep this hobby to myself since these days no one seems to care if you play the guitar or if they motivate themselves to learn to play this instrument, only once in ten years has anyone been interested in learn to play guitar near my house.

Therefore, playing and singing in my free time has undoubtedly become one of my favorite activities, but this would be something that I would never do in front of family or friends, it would seem like a very normal thing to do, but it is a hobby that I reserve exclusively for my moments of loneliness.

¡Thank you for reading!

¡Until next time!

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